It's Saturday 9-11-21 What are you dong this weekend?

Well….. Since I’m not at Glamis I decided to go in the garage and get ready for Glamis…. That was the idea…… I think I got two hours in on that idea….. Think I got three or four hours in on watching the original Adam 12.

Started the day with the TV on watching the names being read of those who were lost this day 20 years ago. Got teared up as they sang Amazing Grace. I remember where I was and How I felt that day and that will Never Fade. After that went to grocery store went got Gas and then drove too Pick up my can am ONCE AGAIN. We will see how it goes this time. If I may speak Honestly today I am struggling alittle. Some Know My wife left me out of Nowhere 6 months ago and moved to Oregon. Well I was told that things were going to be better and Not to worry she was gonna help me out with Household expenses and so on, up until Thursday when I was told she was Getting a Moving truck and Moving to Oklahoma for good. So today is just like the last 6 months and my future doing the Housework Myself and etc etc. At least I know where I stand now.

Sorry to Vent Guys Just everything came spilling out
Wes, I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. You're a great guy and more importantly, you're a really nice guy. If there's anything that can be learned from this, please do and file it away in your memory and move on. I know at 6 months the pain is still fresh, but just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep on being you and before you know it, she will be a distant memory and someone new who sees you and appreciates you for everything you are will come into your life.

You have a lot of friends, including me, even if you don't recognize the board name. If the rest of them are anything like me, we love you and appreciate all of your awesome qualities. Believe me, you don't go through life being you and doing the things you do for so many people without having your reputation spread far and wide. I know other people who have never met you but they've heard of you from others and respect you greatly and if they had ever met you in person, then they would use the word "friend." What I'm trying to say is: your circle of friends who love you is many times greater than you realize, your circle of people who know of you and respect you for who you are is even greater still.

All of this is to say: don't ever change, be patient. You will find someone who appreciates who you are soon enough. In the meantime, just remember you have tons of friends and we're behind you, next to you and will always drink with you beside the fire. If you ever need help, or to vent, please speak up because we ARE listening! I know it can be lonely at times, but keep in touch with friends and stay busy!      :cheers:

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Bought my oldest a new to us 150r we ready for the season 

also bought some 35” baja pors today as well busy day View attachment 13796
On this day of all days, I was absorbed in thought about the attacks 20 years ago. I'm a veteran, I thought we were invincible, that no one would dare attack us for fear of the sheer might and fury of our retaliation. I built my entire career on situational awareness and being right about the enemy and what his capabilities were. But I was totally, incredibly wrong. The US (and especially I) lost our innocence right then and from the TSA checkpoints to Stellar Wind, and the NSA, our lives have been irrevocably changed. Don't even get me started on Covid and cyberterrorism.

I was scrolling through this thread and it hit me. This pic of your son with a genuine smile of real happiness. I remembered what it was like to be that age, with my mind whirling and daydreaming of all of the fun I was going to have riding my new bike! For a couple of minutes I was transported back to that age, back to those happy times when I was so innocent and the world was so much simpler, joyous, fun. Thanks for sharing that pic!! Please treasure his innocence and don't let him beat you too badly racing down the trail!    :cheers:

Wes, I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. You're a great guy and more importantly, you're a really nice guy. If there's anything that can be learned from this, please do and file it away in your memory and move on. I know at 6 months the pain is still fresh, but just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep on being you and before you know it, she will be a distant memory and someone new who sees you and appreciates you for everything you are will come into your life.

You have a lot of friends, including me, even if you don't recognize the board name. If the rest of them are anything like me, we love you and appreciate all of your awesome qualities. Believe me, you don't go through life being you and doing the things you do for so many people without having your reputation spread far and wide. I know other people who have never met you but they've heard of you from others and respect you greatly and if they had ever met you in person, then they would use the word "friend." What I'm trying to say is: your circle of friends who love you is many times greater than you realize, your circle of people who know of you and respect you for who you are is even greater still.

All of this is to say: don't ever change, be patient. You will find someone who appreciates who you are soon enough. In the meantime, just remember you have tons of friends and we're behind you, next to you and will always drink with you beside the fire. If you ever need help, or to vent, please speak up because we ARE listening! I know it can be lonely at times, but keep in touch with friends and stay busy!      :cheers:
Thank you this means much more than you can possible Know

Took crawlers out to Campo and played on the rocks.

Partied with buddies out there.  Woke.up feeling shitty.  I need to dry out.


You got this. There's nothing you can't do. 

Chin up and focus on today. Tomorrows.comimg and what's not completed today can be tomorrow task. 

Reflection isn't a bad thing when you appreciate what you have and who's in the mirror. 

The day will come when you smile in the mirror and the mirror smiles back.  

Ultimately all we have is ourselves. Be good to yourself and good things will come. 
Thank you so Much.. Means so much too me

Quite an emotional day yesterday. Today, trying to coach someone who is

un-coachable. Frustrating. 
It certainly was. Had to wipe my eyes several times watching the different ceremonies.

Spent a good part of the day at the zoo with my wife, sister in law and mother in-law.   Today is my mother in laws 95 birthday.  She had a crown on and a sash that said "its my birthday ".  Damn near every one that walked by wished her a happy birthday, and some of them sang her happy birthday, out of the blue   It was kind of heart warming.  

Now to get ready for another week at the grind.  I can't remember disliking my job this much.  But I gots one, and there are more pros than cons...

Spent the weekend remembering what happened 20 years ago, but avoided the hours of tragedy porn that was on every channel. I didn't need to hear from some 30 something news anchor on where they were. They were 10 and were probably eating paste in art class. I made it a point not to watch any of the 20th anniversary shows  that were just rehashing the same videos the same interviews. I still can pull up that feeling in the pit of my stomach without any need of watching it again.

Obviously started the day with a quiet moment and some somber reflection.  As many have been saying, I never want another 9/11/2001 but I sure miss the America of 9/12/2001.  It's been 20 years, and I think it's hard to say the country has moved in any positive direction.  

Other than that, helped some buddies work on Heeps.  On mine we messed around with placing some hood louvers on a junkyard hood.  We had picked the hood up a couple months back, and I ordered a few louvers that might work.  Ideally I want a rectangle opening right above this big opening between the fan shroud and engine:

View attachment 13803

In a perfect world it'd be ducted up to an extractor like this: 

But obviously that's not happening on my Heep... and the hood body lines don't allow for a big rectangular vent across the front like that:

View attachment 13802

So, here's the layout I came up with, using the chit I had on hand and the junkyard hood.  

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Give-a-damns and paint prep were minimal, so the palsti-dip did something weird right in the middle of the hood.  I had the brilliant idea of cutting that section out, sanding it a bit, and trying again... which made it even more obvious and shitty.  I'm letting it be for tonight, and going to try to make it suck less tomorrow, but either way this is literally a junkyard hood for testing purposes only.  If the vents make a measurable difference I'll have my good hood done right by a professional (probably the guy that did my fender work). 


So, Sunday we decided to strip the hood and start over.  The weird shiny spot in the middle had gotten worse, and adhesion was poor.  Stripping was easier than I expected, prob because adhesion.  WD-40 turned it into a nasty sludge, but a plastic RZR blade and a pressure washer took care of it:   



Then we scuffed the whole thing with 320 and started laying down light coats:



Anyway, here's the result... looks okay from a distance... at night: 


In the daylight the tiger-stripes are more evident... and the bass-boat-metal-flake is a bit out of hand: 


