It's Saturday 9-11-21 What are you dong this weekend?

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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Working today. Remembering 20 years ago. Thinking about those that were lost and how much it brought our country together.  Now wondering what has happened to our America. Sad how many have forgotten and how vulnerable we still are.

You all be safe and enjoy your weekend.




swim bday party with the kids 9yr olds lol

then good ol’ cv prep tomorrow 😑 got em all cleaned up with new seals ready for hp8000 and some beers. Thanx again @L.R.S. for the advice. 

Piddly stuff mostly. 

Gonna visit mom this afternoon and then company party at the zoo tomorrow.   

We’re at the Oregon Dunes in Florence. Weather is fantastic, mid 60’s, sunny and very little wind. Just finishing up breakfast then fueling up after yesterday’s rides. Hoping for a safe and fun day today! 

lil guy had surgery on a broken collar  bone and moms working so im doing crap around the yard then gonna take him to a pumpkin farm cuzs hes wanting some pumpkin a nice farm like 10 min from here with a yummy fresh made bakery.then home for a family fire later and some beers to relax.

Sitting here being extremely bored Wife and I trying to get through the Rona it will be a week tomorrow so hopefully it is about behind us going to watch MX this afternoon and just hang out and get through the crap

Everyone be safe and have a great weekend 

Little yard work. Little tinkering on sand car. Really enjoying the aromas from the kitchen. Wife made her home made pound cakes today.

Started the day with the TV on watching the names being read of those who were lost this day 20 years ago. Got teared up as they sang Amazing Grace. I remember where I was and How I felt that day and that will Never Fade. After that went to grocery store went got Gas and then drove too Pick up my can am ONCE AGAIN. We will see how it goes this time. If I may speak Honestly today I am struggling alittle. Some Know My wife left me out of Nowhere 6 months ago and moved to Oregon. Well I was told that things were going to be better and Not to worry she was gonna help me out with Household expenses and so on, up until Thursday when I was told she was Getting a Moving truck and Moving to Oklahoma for good. So today is just like the last 6 months and my future doing the Housework Myself and etc etc. At least I know where I stand now.

Sorry to Vent Guys Just everything came spilling out

I rode my bike today sometime after 10:30AM when it was already too hot.  I road approx. 8 miles on the New River Trail and Skunk Creek Trail.  This was the first time I got onto the Skunk Creek Trail and I could see from the map at the trailhead that there's a lot of future riding to be done there.  Now I need to buy a road bike and have a little more cruising fun than I've been having with my old mountain bike, because these are all paved trails.

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Got up at 5 to finish up some doors for a kitchen  refinish  tomorrow. When the sun came up had to put the flag out front to show some of us still care and remember.

Then the wife and I went to the offroad show, what a joke that was, but now sitting in twine peaks for lunch and a cold one. 

God bless us on this day 911 


Saw this eerie picture on FB. Yeah, you never know. Al Qaeda caught us off guard for sure. I was staying with my Dad at his gorgeous pad on Lido Island, enjoying coffee and the view, was not living in my house (going through a divorce). My Step-Mom was in Hawaii (she was stuck there for 2 weeks). We got a call from my sister who was in Ohio at the time. .. saw the burning first tower and watched the 2nd plane hit the other live.. it was CRAZY...

They never talk about it, but the one they crashed in PA I think was supposed to hit the White House.

Told my Dad I knew EXACLY how they pulled it off, ' pocket knives and numbers - people, maybe 1/2 dozen per plane.' I was spot on, but it was box cutters not pocket knives.


You never know when they'll 'call you up'.. so sayeth the lord.


PS. Going to the Coach House to see Tommy Castro tonight.. gonna take a nap.. been busting my hump with outdoor stuff.

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Working today. Remembering 20 years ago. Thinking about those that were lost and how much it brought our country together.  Now wondering what has happened to our America. Sad how many have forgotten and how vulnerable we still are.

You all be safe and enjoy your weekend.


Thinking the same  🇺🇸

Chilled with the family.  Rapids game. Tinkering on 80s tonight. And tomorrow. More 80s and the trailer. 


Started the day with the TV on watching the names being read of those who were lost this day 20 years ago. Got teared up as they sang Amazing Grace. I remember where I was and How I felt that day and that will Never Fade. After that went to grocery store went got Gas and then drove too Pick up my can am ONCE AGAIN. We will see how it goes this time. If I may speak Honestly today I am struggling alittle. Some Know My wife left me out of Nowhere 6 months ago and moved to Oregon. Well I was told that things were going to be better and Not to worry she was gonna help me out with Household expenses and so on, up until Thursday when I was told she was Getting a Moving truck and Moving to Oklahoma for good. So today is just like the last 6 months and my future doing the Housework Myself and etc etc. At least I know where I stand now.

Sorry to Vent Guys Just everything came spilling out
You got this. There's nothing you can't do. 

Chin up and focus on today. Tomorrows.comimg and what's not completed today can be tomorrow task. 

Reflection isn't a bad thing when you appreciate what you have and who's in the mirror. 

The day will come when you smile in the mirror and the mirror smiles back.  

Ultimately all we have is ourselves. Be good to yourself and good things will come. 

Obviously started the day with a quiet moment and some somber reflection.  As many have been saying, I never want another 9/11/2001 but I sure miss the America of 9/12/2001.  It's been 20 years, and I think it's hard to say the country has moved in any positive direction.  

Other than that, helped some buddies work on Heeps.  On mine we messed around with placing some hood louvers on a junkyard hood.  We had picked the hood up a couple months back, and I ordered a few louvers that might work.  Ideally I want a rectangle opening right above this big opening between the fan shroud and engine:

messages_0 (11).jpeg

In a perfect world it'd be ducted up to an extractor like this:

But obviously that's not happening on my Heep... and the hood body lines don't allow for a big rectangular vent across the front like that:


So, here's the layout I came up with, using the chit I had on hand and the junkyard hood.  




Give-a-damns and paint prep were minimal, so the palsti-dip did something weird right in the middle of the hood.  I had the brilliant idea of cutting that section out, sanding it a bit, and trying again... which made it even more obvious and shitty.  I'm letting it be for tonight, and going to try to make it suck less tomorrow, but either way this is literally a junkyard hood for testing purposes only.  If the vents make a measurable difference I'll have my good hood done right by a professional (probably the guy that did my fender work). 

