It's Saturday 6-4-22 What are you doing this weekend?

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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Well, we're into June. Halfway thru 2022.

Today I'm loading up another water tank for a GD friend. 

Working on the shop. Cleaning the Funco. Getting it back into the 5er for the time being. 

Tomorrow movies with My gal.

You all have fun and be safe. 



Yard work with Jos a and Jos b..... Preping da house to get outta cali

Washing the fleet. Getting  the house back to normal so when the wife gets home from her vacation. She won’t be able to tell I had fun while she was gone.  Picking her and her sister up from LAX later in the day.  
Everyone have a great and safe weekend 

Went grocery shopping Fuel etc etc. Sprayed around the house as it is Bug and ant season once again new solar lights on the fence and pondering life decesions as well

Get some chickens. That way instead of stepping on bugs youre stepping on doodies.

Normal weekend honey do's.  Water treated new section of fence.  Doing network speed checks. "Helping" son work on his car.  Building breakout box for truck trans.  Visit mom in afternoon.  Need to walk a few miles in there somewhere...

Checked out the world's shittiest yard sale at 8am.  Installed our 3 annual window AC units.

Staring at my buddies Krinkov.  Figuring how I can get him to sell it to me.....

Watching the live feed of the Baja 500. Real good footage so far and Brandon Walsh is taking us along for the ride!! 

High School graduation party for the niece. Granddaughter next Saturday. 

Abc just picked up ‘The Black One’ and my kids quad … new Rigid handle bar lights.. Black One now has the police siren and PA like the Orange One… can’t remember.. oh,, new 4 point belts… 

Anyhow.. Green Valley in 5 days (4 day trip).

I’ll make a trip report. Buddy who bought my ‘14 RZR has a cabin in GV.. we’ll hit Fawn Skin, Arrowhead, Big Bear, Crafts Peak, etc.

3 two seat RZRs, one 450cc quad and 2/3 450cc MXs.



PS. Need to order more tourniquets and first aid backpacks for the RZRs. Can’t find all the tourniquets I bought last season.





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In Rochester NY, oldest is here for Jr. Division Draft Camp. Purpose is to get invited to their top team that is located in Attleboro, Massachusetts or 2nd best in Charlotte, North Carolina.

They already offered a spot to play in Irmo, South Carolina on their newest team.

Touching up odds and ends on the Moho thing I always forget to fix thinking about an upgrade but haven’t convinced my self it’s worth it yet
