It's Saturday 6-26-21 What are you doing this weekend?

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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Think all this work just caught up to me. Was hoping to catch up with it. 

Not feeling all that great. Just woke up from a 12 hour sleep. 

Going to see what I missed at work this am then call it a day.

You all have fun. 



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Went Grocery shopping went and got a haircut. Started up the Genny and My sons Buggy just too run some fuel thru them. Searching the interweb for a Talon for a Buddy of mine. Did Laundry and dusted the House so far. "guess thats single life now"..

went and got bagels and coffee and a slice of homemade crumb cake for my son, helped the wife unload groceries,moved a pile of dirt with my skid steer then the rain came.helped my wife clean the house now about to do a oil change on my x3 and made a giant mess of oil.get cleaned up and go have so snacks and beer with the wife at some outside bar.

Messed up my back yesterday going to get a brace so I can get around. Granddaughter getting married this afternoon at 2:30 outdoors temp is supposed to be 102 and rising ugh sure it’s going to be a blast, but  Grandparents have to go. Tomorrow getting ready to go to the dunes fir the next two weekends if I can move then back to work Monday 

You all be safe and have a great weekend 

Got up early and installed  new shocks on the Tahoe. Now relaxing before the wife and I go get the daughter for movie and dinner.

Helping someone move..... funny how all of a sudden people are busy when one needs to move from one house to another😀

We have cabinet guys over changing the color. Washed the fleet and made some parts for a buddy building a toy. Fired up the wife’s quad took a little bit to get it going. The 70 fired up before I had finished pulling the rope.  

My buddy brought his motor home down to ski beach. The wife and I brought the bikes down. Had a blast! Much needed break from all the work and school.

Getting ready to head to st Anthony on Thursday got the oil changed on the moho carpets cleaned washed and ready to roll

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