It's Saturday 5-8-21 What are you doing this weekend?

Cleaning my shop  - I seem to clean 3x as much as I work  and it never gets cleaner - I need a few thousand for sq ft so I can effectively hide more crap in more cabinets ....

Loading a crap-tonne of 145 gr 9mm for the carbine.  Down to under 15,000 primers.  Should have stacked them deeper during the good times.

Been a busy Saturday. Met the sheet rockers at the shop early. Met the electricians at the property for temporary power. Met the tree trimming people at the property for future tree demolition. Decided to split the remaining wood left over from the last tree demo. About to kick back, take off the boots and enjoy an evening of peace. Peace 

Daughters softball game this morning. Went a and watched my nephew play high school baseball. Going to a party tonight. Going to spend tomorrow with my mother and wife and get ready for our Mammoth fishing trip next weekend. 

Working like a Home Depot day laborer.

Moved a retaining wall to reclaim more land in the backyard for get ready for the pool.  Freaking back breaking work.  I'm definitely not as young and strong as I use to be.  And yeah,  :sexywave: is all mad now because I made her help... :sds:


Spent the day at Glen Hellen watching my nephew race!
love that place, seems to be something going on all the time!

we are still in havasu recovering from desert storm, saw robbies new sxs there

great to see regular people drinking in the streets, no mask required





Trying to make sense out of best friends wife called at noon...I knew he was riding in Barstow....He's gone...........just like that...50 yrs of man....the whole thing... just a huge hole right now numb....don't know what to do for her and the kids.........Hug the ones you love and treasure every second.....every could be your last.........damn............

Trying to make sense out of best friends wife called at noon...I knew he was riding in Barstow....He's gone...........just like that...50 yrs of man....the whole thing... just a huge hole right now numb....don't know what to do for her and the kids.........Hug the ones you love and treasure every second.....every could be your last.........damn............
 My condolences.  A lot of people have been dying around me recently.

Trying to make sense out of best friends wife called at noon...I knew he was riding in Barstow....He's gone...........just like that...50 yrs of man....the whole thing... just a huge hole right now numb....don't know what to do for her and the kids.........Hug the ones you love and treasure every second.....every could be your last.........damn............
Sorry to hear that. It’s tough times right now. As you said, hug the ones you love.

killed 15 jack rabbits around my place (daughter daddy time.  Helped a friend bury two huge rocks that were in his way building a pool, then they lit off 8 charges under the dirt

Trying to make sense out of best friends wife called at noon...I knew he was riding in Barstow....He's gone...........just like that...50 yrs of man....the whole thing... just a huge hole right now numb....don't know what to do for her and the kids.........Hug the ones you love and treasure every second.....every could be your last.........damn............
Sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers to all. 😢

I’m prepping the back yard for my grandsons 3rd birthday party next weekend.  It’s hotter than the devils taint down here in Yuma today. :ez:  

Sweeeeet!!!! Give us some details on it. 
I owned the car previously used to be the orange #20 car SCU  S4 415 w/3.3 whipple sweet car it’s been in Utah for the last 7-8 years hasn’t really left Are circle 

Trying to make sense out of best friends wife called at noon...I knew he was riding in Barstow....He's gone...........just like that...50 yrs of man....the whole thing... just a huge hole right now numb....don't know what to do for her and the kids.........Hug the ones you love and treasure every second.....every could be your last.........damn............
Sorry for your loss

You are right treasure your time, life is short at best.

prayers for the family and friends 

Yesterday was trip to an ohv area about 2 hrs from my son’s and about 3.5 hrs from our place for the grandson’s 10th birthday celebration all he wanted to do was ride his dirt bike

Today Mother’s Day with my lovely wife and  clean up the aftermath from yesterday 

You all be safe this week 

Checking My Email

Attn; Fund Beneficiary

I am Mrs Robin Sanders, Former U.S.A Ambassador to Nigeria. With reference to your entitlement fund and inline with the CHANGE OF BENEFICARY'S APPLICATION, signed by Mrs. Glenda F. Ward with your purported authorization. This case has been carefully examined and we have declined Mrs. Ward's application and reported to the security department for appropriate action, as the application lacks regular signature. But Did you ever instruct Mrs Glenda F. Ward to claim your fund worth US$7.000.000? Below is the bank account information provided by Mrs Glenda F. Ward saying that you authorized her to claim your fund that you are terminally ill.



3.BANK ADDRESS: Kerrville Texas 78028 USA

4.ACCOUNT #: 3202650

5.ROUTING #: 114922443

If you had not authorized the change of your bank account in respect to your outstanding entitlement Payment, therefore notify me immediately as the notification / declaration was supported with a sworn affidavit from Lagos high court ref: ilk /jj/202/k2021, dated 07/05/2021 and signed by Mrs. Glenda Ward who claim and stated in the sworn declaration that you authorized her to claim the said fund on your behalf to a different bank account in the U.S.A as stated above because you were terminally ill and the Doctor who is incharge of your case stated that you will not stay more than one Month before passing away.

This development has caused lots of discrepancies in your payment file that is why we had to suspend your payment and prompted to contact you directly before rejuvenating your payment. You have to be rest assured that I will do everything within my capacity to successfully actualize the quick transfer of your fund to any of your nominated bank account.

Kindly get back to me as soon as possible so that I will direct you on what to do.

Sincerely Yours

Mrs Robin Sanders

Fmr. U.S Ambassador

