It's Saturday 5-15-21 What are you doing this weekend?

Track meet today... 46 teams at the IE invitational. Finishing off this sunburn and dehydration with several beers. Tomorrow is working on the jeep - if the MFking ups dude brings the water pump!... otherwise it's cleaning the garage to get ready for the toyhauler unload, followed by more beers.

Threw on  some back ribs from Costco on the old smoker. Came out killer. Hanging out with my 2 boys and my daughter in law and grandson. Enjoyed some refreshments 🍺 and now about to switch out to some cocktails 🍹. Good times. Y’all be good now y’all hear. 




Saw those at Costco the other day. Worth it? Those look good
I’ve never had them before but they were pretty damn good!! Better then the last time we went to Lucilles’s that’s for sure. I wasn’t expecting that much meat on the bones but they were pretty meaty as well. I’d definitely do it again. 

Did the Final Grade on our new house we're building. First time ever. Man that was tight! Probably killed the tree in the front yard. Never hit the house. But nailed the neighbors fence. I owe him one picket! Peace

My nephew help organize a Cane Corso dog showcase/show. So drank beers, and watched the show. They do protection training, very impressive what they do with these dogs. Was able to put on a bite sleeve and let a Sheppard try to take my arm off..  lot of power in those jaws.

Today going over to moms to get somethings done for her..



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Today is Monday, but still.

I feel like I just dropped the soap..

I'm re-piping the water lines in copper.

Jesus.. What a cluster..

Today is Monday, but still.

I feel like I just dropped the soap..

I'm re-piping the water lines in copper.

Jesus.. What a cluster..
Yesterday, (Wednesday) the crew supervisor came back to the house to correct the previous job.

My water flow was now reversed, hot water coming out the cold, and cold out the hot.

A full day "Re piping" the water heater box and all is well. (Hot=hot, cold=cold)

I suspect the Burkas the crew was wearing obscured the view. 

Spent the weekend (Sunday through Tuesday) at Silver Strand Beach celebrating another year around the sun.  Collected lots of quality shells, drank a few Corona Premiers, failed to drink my planned mimosas lol.  Enjoyed a relaxing time with my love 🙂 
