Its Saturday 4-22-23 What is everyone up too?

Matchplay tournament began at Steele Canyon today, won my first match on 18, winning is bitchin. Back home, about to start some Supercross. image.jpg

And hanging with Bogey, a two week old kitten I found at Vista Valley last year. Going to be a year old next month. He’s doing well.

After a lot of struggle as the trail got more technical, my wife and I made it to the highest point at Calderwood Butte in North Peoria this morning.  It was 90 degrees at 11:00 AM.  I'm still trying to convince her to buy hiking boots.  

The view photo is looking out way in the distance toward the Lake Pleasant area, very popular for off-roading as well as boating, and the famous Crown King mountain (the highest peak).

Calderwood Butte 20230422 (1).jpg

Calderwood Butte 20230422 (3).jpg

Calderwood Butte 20230422 (8).jpg

Daughter had a softball game yesterday. Well, her team did. She’s still got a cast on for the next few weeks. Parent tournament last night for the softball league. 

Going to the Norco Rodeo this afternoon to watch some bull riding and have a few beers. 

We are in Sacramento for our grandsons eighth birthday party. We're enjoying a Lazer tag, pool, and pizza party with 10 crazy kids. Wow, lots of energy in this group. I need to figure out a way to get a transfusion (energy) from them.

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Finished off Dune season in style.  Had three great runs over the weekend. It was summer conditions and we were running three wide all in fresh dunes.  This season was just about perfect for me. No flipper sticker, No broken belt and no blown out tires on the road home.  Doesn't get better then that

Pretty productive weekend.  Little painting, little drywall work, Little body work on the new recycle bin, Little tree trimming, haircut,  oil change on the wifes car.  

Watching hitchcocks the birds before i pick up the wife at the airport.  




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Did you find and hidden ‘gifts’ from your former tenants?
Just a half a dozen straws down the kitchen sink drain.  Any ideas why that side drained slowly???  

Tried fishing but wind was crazy. Spent the day on the boat in a whole different way 


Gave a bunch of attention to my wife and daughters, spent weekend Prom Dress and Furniture shopping . . . 

...earned me a trip to Turners to start really looking at what we want and a "When you going to put the Rhino for sale, so you can get something new.." conversation...


Step Grandmother on my wife's side, (Mildred-92 yrs old) passed away a couple months ago, so Cheryl and I have the task of cleaning and organizing to get ready for a yard sale at Mildred's house. Saturday we got pretty organized, moved a bunch of stuff to the garage even set up tables already with kitchen ware, glasses, plate sets, coffee mugs, etc.

So in 2 weeks will be the sale.

Sunday I did my first oil change on the Can Am...boy what a hoot that was! You know, those Can Am engineers are really great people! They really thought about the consumer when designing these things!  :kenk:

I didn't know I would cut myself in so many places and not even feel it!   :simrak:

"Hey let's put the drain plugs in just above a cross member in the frame,,,then for Yah Yah's...let's offset the drain hole in the skid plate! And you know what would be really funny...let's rivet the skid plate on so they can't take it off! :oto:


But seriously...

