Its Saturday 4-22-23 What is everyone up too?


Apr 30, 2021
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Well its the weekend again and for Socal at least it looks like the Sunshine is gonna shine Bright so what is everyones Plans.

For me its Normal House chores then go to my Dads and change a battery in a RZR for a Friend and I have my Hazmat Cert test on Tuesday so Lots of practice tests this weekend before I visit the DMV

Well its the weekend again and for Socal at least it looks like the Sunshine is gonna shine Bright so what is everyones Plans.

For me its Normal House chores then go to my Dads and change a battery in a RZR for a Friend and I have my Hazmat Cert test on Tuesday so Lots of practice tests this weekend before I visit the DMV
Good luck with the hazmat test. Once I got into the HVAC trade and established I let my hazmat cert go. I got so tired of having to take that damn test! I had it since I was 21. It’s nice to just renew my medical card and my class A automatically renews.

Good luck with the hazmat test. Once I got into the HVAC trade and established I let my hazmat cert go. I got so tired of having to take that damn test! I had it since I was 21. It’s nice to just renew my medical card and my class A automatically renews.
Had my Class A since 2006 but never my Hazmat. I work for a "BIG" delivery Company currently that is going thru lots of changes and they are cutting hours to 35 a week which doesnt work for me personally. I have a chance to go drive a Lube truck for a construction company doing oil changes and etc on big equip but they said I need a Hazmat cert. I honestly not looking forward to changing Jobs again especially at 52 but Got to make a living.

Driving lube truck is what I did for 12 years! Got my class B at 18, class A at 20, then added hazmat at 21. Do you have a hook up for the position? If not, I know a lot of companies and could put in a good word.

Old house stuff. Pool company has no clue how to clean my pool so......If you want it done right, do it yourself. Cleaned pool filter. Loaded some stuff in the truck to bring to the Dream Home. Back to the next door ladies house I take care of to fix her gate. Peace

Driving lube truck is what I did for 12 years! Got my class B at 18, class A at 20, then added hazmat at 21. Do you have a hook up for the position? If not, I know a lot of companies and could put in a good word.
Yes My sons company he is a Mechanic for is where I might be going

Help a friend dig a hole for his underground cellar. Then working on the wife’s chicken condo some more, nothing like playing with my excavator!  8' now he wants to go to 10' deep  i have a big hydraulic leak in the main control valve in the center of the machine,  going to have to take off the hydraulic tank and fuel tank for access on just one side!  bought all three main hydraulic lines that come off the pump  6000 psi  special urethane o-rings required  going to be a big job  right now he wants to have me keep working even though there is a 10 drips a sec leak!  its $$$ to move this machine even 5 miles  going to do the job at home



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Well today is earth day. So I think I'm going to bbq some ribs over charCOAL. Gonna pull out my generators and run some gas through them for the fun of it. And then round out the evening burning some wood in my fire pit and downing some beers. 
