It's Saturday 11-6-21 What are you doing this weekend?

Played golf both days. Mom Tron turned 82 yesterday. Blew out all the saw dust in the Dream Home. Watched the sunset with a bunch of 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 scrap on FIRE! Peace

Installed a Dasa pipe and vortex on my sons yfz450r, wishing I would have just sent it out to get jet-hot coating, header wrap on a 2 piece pipe is a PITA

I was in ol' momma G too. It was epic! Rippin' dunes without having to worry much about someone coming the other way. Wall rides galore! No pics to show surprisingly. My phone was DJ all weekend I guess. 

I was in ol' momma G too. It was epic! Rippin' dunes without having to worry much about someone coming the other way. Wall rides galore! No pics to show surprisingly. My phone was DJ all weekend I guess. 
Wait!!! I found video!! LOL my son  wanted to keep playing in the dark, so me and my daughter divised a plan. He wasn't too thrilled. Couldn't upload the video dangit. Here's some screenshots. Highly recommended 😆😆



