It's Saturday 10-30-21 What are you doing this weekend?

Work today, should be home tomorrow. Hang out with the wife, try to fit in some pre trip work before our glamis trip Friday, drink because it’s a holiday. 

I think the 250r is ready for it’s first run. Picked up a big wheel 426 we are going to gift to my dad, I want to try to get the maintenance dialed in before we reveal it to him on the trip. Should be a fun toy though. 


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Went to Disneyland Friday, Star Wars land was pretty awesome. Usually hate Disney, but was geeking out on the level of detail on the “set”

Got home 11pm and turned and burned for Glamis and got stuck for 2 hours in that traffic on the 78 (sad for the people who crashed).  Arrived in camp at 0400 and passed the F out. 

Good weekend in Glamis, no breakage in camp and got a lot of stares because a friend brought his toy…


The buffoonery was impressive. Saw two SxSs hot dogging it trying to drift at low speed. Both ended up on their lids. No injuries other than pride. 

I bought an Aventon Pace 500 Ebike today. Medium height, color black.

After laboring for so long on my mountain bike, the choice was between buying a road bike or an Ebike, and I finally figured it out.

I did a 14 mile run when I got home, on the paved New River and Skunk Creek trails, and boy was it fun!

Basically you have as much speed as you want, and as much exercise as you want.  You can assist with pedaling as much as you want, and you can choose your voltage assist from zero to 5. There is an energy meter to see how the battery is doing, and a speedometer.

I had never ridden 14 miles on the mountain bike.  My longest was 12 during the summer.  So this kind of bike allows you to go more places and see more stuff.

And if some day I go too far and run out of electric energy, it's no big deal because it has 8 gears and my legs are in good shape.

When I got home, I simply detached the battery and took it upstairs to charge.



We had PERFECT weather in TX. Played some golf. Fixed the neighbors car and have been driving that car around town to stretch it's legs. Peace

i went to socal for the weekend to visit family. helped my 17yo nephew figure out some bugs with his 73 squarebody truck, celebrated my brothers birthday.

was hoping i would get some of that free money calif hands out to people, but no such luck.. just oppression and $5 a gallon diesel fuel.

Had a nice trip up to Big Bear with the family and did some jeeping and camping. Was able to test the jeep and the new motorhome out. Weather was great, trails weren't crowded. All in all a great time.

