It's Saturday 10-30-21 What are you doing this weekend?

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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Ill be prepping the last few trailer needs. Doing some shop cleaning and such.

You all have a great weekend.

Glamis is raging and from what I have read, it's the worst it's ever been.  Sad to read some of whats already happened.

You all be safe.



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Playing in Steele Canyon‘s Black Knight member guest tournament, sitting in third place after day one.  T time at 10 am this morning.  And notice one of ours:  




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Work in the house, install the last of the trim in a hallway, lots of touch ups to do. After 5 years my 1st phase of my addition is almost complete. Glendora throws a carnival in the park next to our house so a small get together and hand out candy to the kids.

Working on the Trailer trying to get it Ready. Went Grocery shopping and had the guy come spray the Yard for weeds this am.

Moving furniture in the house to see what its like swapping rooms. Yelling at the new dog for eating to Harley coffee table books last night. Gotta take some flesh out of the freezer to grill for tonite. Fill in the holes in the yard the new dog dug, more yelling!

We’ve got the grandsons this weekend so it’s total chaos. We will be riding quads in the backyard and then going to a carnival for the kids in Glendora. And then doing the tour around the neighborhood looking at all of the Pirate decorations. We have one street that’s like the Griswalds for decorations. Sunday more quads and then taking the kids over to trick or treat at their other grandparents house in Upland. Then Monday I will go to work to REST. 

I’m sitting here in La-La waitin for my Ya Ya , Ohh,Ohh………

What's going on?
Head on collision last night or early this morning on the 78. Injuries and one death with 3 of 4 occupants getting out of the truck. Last one didnt make it with vehicle engulfed in flames.  Held up traffic for hours with campers coming into Glamis.  Other injuries in the dunes as well. Reports its that greatest volume of people to date for this Halloween weekend.

On top of injuries, theres this report below.  Its like it the late 90's out there again.


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Head on collision last night or early this morning on the 78. Injuries and one death with 3 of 4 occupants getting out of the truck. Last one didnt make it with vehicle engulfed in flames.  Held up traffic for hours with campers coming into Glamis.  Other injuries in the dunes as well. Reports its that greatest volume of people to date for this Halloween weekend.

On top of injuries, theres this report below.  Its like it the late 90's out there again.

How awful. Hope this isn't the start of the crap show again. 

How awful. Hope this isn't the start of the crap show again. 
Its a combo of a lot up pent up frustrated people letting loose. the media and news outlets keep feeding everyone a HOPELESSNESS in our society that peeps are on total edge..........Everything is an argument.........................The result unfortunately is a lot of pent up anger and short tempers................Ive turned a lot of the noise off / quit drinking and started working out helps BUT its still hard to find the positives in a lot of things lately......A LOT of people just SUCK!!! it is what it is.

I have a lot more clarity on what and who is important in my life and been spending as much time as possible on those people and related things.......Cut out the :bs:  and clarity becomes real. Things are sometimes way different that you thought they were but overall its a better way to live. 

I truely believe that is the way its gonna be out there for the 2021 / 2022 season.  Hope to get out on a lot of non holiday trips and leave the chit show to the large crowds. I am too old and too tired for all that chit.


I truely believe that is the way its gonna be out there for the 2021 / 2022 season.  Hope to get out on a lot of non holiday trips and leave the chit show to the large crowds.
I never go on holiday weekends. May start doing mid week trips.

I am too old and too tired for all that chit
Then that makes me way too old for it. LOL

Smog check, haircut and clothes for 1 kid going to a dance tonight. 

Pull out the quads and rhino to see what's what.


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Going to the Charger game tomorrow with the big kids. Then watch the little kids trick or treat. 

Bought the new RZR and was going to my Mom’s in Rialto but the truck is angry… DPF filter ‘reduced power’… ‘check owners manual.’

Had to pull off the FWY as it wouldn’t let me go faster than 25, so scratched the break-in and just parked the 5th and new ride where I store it.

Off to the dealer to get said DPF replaced. Also no trailer brakes (truck outlet sending issue).., needed to get that fixed anyhow…

Maybe sleep, work and ‘rail on it (wife).’







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Sold weekend Warrior, now to find a 38 ft stacker…….hopefully sooner rather than later 

Sold weekend Warrior, now to find a 38 ft stacker…….hopefully sooner rather than later 
Damn! I was planning on setting a time up with you to look at it next weekend! GLOTS and hope you find what your looking for. As for this weekend, the wife and I are camping in Salton City with my Dad and his wife. Full hook ups, ac running but not in the trailer, and never even unloaded the toy! Decided to just drink and enjoy Gods creation. Should be quick to pack up and leave tomorrow!

Little maintenance before next weekend.  Changed the rail engine oil and tranny oil. Man, it took like 30 mins to refill that 2d. SOB. Checked the old rugged headsets. (Seem to work). No idea on how to do car 2 car versus person to person. Got the lighted flag working. Need to get e85 and my boy needs to finish putting back a body panel.  Then swapped out a strut on my maxima. Showered up and sitting here thinking about food.  Like it was said earlier, heard it's bananas this weekend.  Was basically full starting Thursday night. Can't imagine the show Friday night...  


