It summer time, fun thread tell us a "did you know"?

im afraid to ask if that was orally or..... 

Did you know at one point you were the youngest person on Earth? Peace

did you know that a year on Venus is shorter in earth days then a day on Venus?

year on Venus= 225 earth days

Day on Venus= 243 earth days

did you know that a year on Venus is shorter in earth days then a day on Venus?

year on Venus= 225 earth days

Day on Venus= 243 earth days
Wait a minute...They said Move to Venus and I only had to work 1 day per year!!!!


Wait a minute...They said Move to Venus and I only had to work 1 day per year!!!!

yep  the sun comes up......... and stays up for 121 earth days and then sets!

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I have been professionally wrenching for well over 40 years and there was always this stuff close and on hand. 

In fact, I remember the first can of my own that I ever had was probably around 1974.

At first you had to manually put the straw in, yada yada then, how many years ago did they come out with this flip up straw deal?

I was yesterday years old when the friend that I was working with sprayed something without flipping up the straw and I found out that you did not HAVE TO flip up the straw to get the product out!  I kind of assumed putting the straw down locked it out!  Or more like.... why would you ever not want to be precise and put it right where it needs to go.... It's not like it is paint or something!  Only just now do I see that it shows that right on the can!

Be honest.... Did you know this?


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Did you know that the Ghost writer for OJ's book "If I Did It" not only lived across the street from the murder, but he also testified for the Prosecution.

Did you know if you can find Bababouy in Dumont on a Sunday morning, he will cook his chorizo and feed it to you?


 Did you know the official bird of Redondo Beach, California, is the Goodyear Blimp?

In 1983, the coastal city made the Goodyear Blimp their official city bird in anticipation of the 1984 summer Olympics. They even presented a plaque to a team from Goodyear Airship Operations to help celebrate the decision!
