It summer time, fun thread tell us a "did you know"?


Forum Moderator
Apr 30, 2021
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did you know that if you were traveling in a twin turbo Callaway corvette at 200mph and passed a dragster that was staged  at the starting line, and the dragster took off at the same time as you crossed the starting line. in 1/4 of a mile, he would not only have caught you but would have passed you!

continue the thread with something "you know"

  • Under full throttle, a Funny Car engine consumes 11.2 gallons of nitro methane per second; a fully loaded 747 consumes jet fuel at the same rate with 25% less energy being produced.
during that same 1/4 mile run the crank on the fuel car only makes 667 revolutions.

did you know that our solar system (sun and planets) is travelling 500,000 mph around the galaxy and at that speed it takes 250,000,000 years for one revolution!

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do you know the ratio of the diameter of the milky way galaxy vs it's thickness?   100 to 1

if the milky way is 100" in diameter, then its 1" thick  and to travel from the bottom of the "disc" to the top at the speed of light would take just 1000 years!

so think of a sheet of 1" plywood is close as it is 96" long and 1" thick.  thats what our Milkyway galaxy looks like to an observer outside the galaxy

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250,000,000 whats???  seconds, days, years....

250,000,000 whats???  seconds, days, years....
TY "corrected"  250,000,000 years at 500,000 mph!!!  and our solar system is about 4.25 billion years old--do the math, since it was created it has only made 17 revolutions around the galaxy

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Did you know there's a Starbucks cup in every shot in Fight Club?


Did you know that every time you sneeze, your eyes blink? Peace

 Did you know the official bird of Redondo Beach, California, is the Goodyear Blimp? Peace

9. Did you know "Q" is the only letter that doesn't appear in any U.S. state name? 


Did you know that putting your ball caps in the dishwasher cleans them...and doesn't ruin them?

I just did it and wow, works!

I may have to do a couple a second time cause the sweat line was pretty bad, but the bill doesn't get ruined like in a washing machine.

Did you know that putting your ball caps in the dishwasher cleans them...and doesn't ruin them?

I just did it and wow, works!

I may have to do a couple a second time cause the sweat line was pretty bad, but the bill doesn't get ruined like in a washing machine.
Been doing it for years. I use spray and wash to pretreat sweat lines and stuff them with a dishtowel when air drying to keep their shape.

View attachment 110181

they even make things to help hold their shape
I have one of those and used it in the washing machine...still messed up the hat.

Now maybe use that in the washing machine???

I mean the Dishwasher... I'm a little slowwwwww :lmao:


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