Is there a recession coming?

I just scoured my history and can't find a trace of it I suspect it was in one of my news apps. A Google search didn't net any results but honestly I feel like Google's algorithms are on heavy right now to find real information.

It was an article about the feds, the budget, and upcoming inflation. Feds have been blaring the warning signal that they can't keep the economy propped up for much longer. 
Try this.

and the letter[1].pdf

Tying in the entire reason for CV being released and the reasoning for this (if you believe that, or a smidge of it).  The reasoning is chaos.  Create the chaos.  We people do stupid things amidst chaos, overpaying for ish.  The CCP is waiting in the wings, with their money to buy more of the US.  And if/when we hit a recession it will be better than buying bitcoin years ago.  

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There is always a recession coming and the next good economy will happen afterward you just got to get from one to the next, most recessions last about a year but it could be another 2008 again.

The Fed has been tampering with the economic cycle more and more. "QE Infinity" blowing epic bubbles everywhere.

I see debt people !

 Long before Covid the US had eclisped it's total mortgage debt that it had in 08. The boom bust cycles always come so just make sure you are not over leveraged. To me it has felt very bubbly for a few years, NONE of us know exactly when it will correct. We all claim we do but we don't. 

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Yes the supply chain is hurting, but we have never been busier, I dont have enough space, people, carriers to pick up our orders, There are container ships anchored out waiting to get into port to get unloaded and growing everyday. I do not see it letting up. I will have enough work for the next couple of years. Then its time to retire.

All good for me.. just sold a 215 pcs of an allocated semiconductor today...  $3.00 part for $30.00 each... $6k.. during normal times I'd be luck to sell it for $2.00 ($600 order). Not being dumb though.. saving all this dough so when we have a several year slow down, I'll just hitch up the 5th, shut down and travel.

