I'm new to this and need advice


New member
Jan 18, 2023
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How active is this forum? Is there some place that's active where I can find people who know about tube type vw rails? I'm just smart enough to do work on mine myself, but I don't actually know that much about it. I picked up one with a seized motor and swapped it out and got it running but it's old and needs parts, so I need help finding the right ones. It seems like it's based on the 60's beetles, because I had to switch from a generator to an alternator, it's got drum brakes all around with a hydraulic two lever turning brake setup, and I guess an old swing axle trans. For now I need axle seals and boots and shocks and I'd like to switch to an e-brake with a single handle that stays put when I engage it. Thanks for any help you can give me. 




It's a very active forum.  Lots geared towards the newer cars, but I'm sure someone will chime in with advice and where to get the parts you are looking for.

Its a swing axle vw chassis . Pre 1968, so 1967 and older.  What seals on the transaxle are you wanting to replace?  The two lever brake setup is for tuning while in the sand dunes. It is not a parking brake.  The original parking brake is a lever and cable setup.  Your rear drum brakes may still have the original backing plates that accept the cable and fasteners.  You will have to determine where you want to put the handle/lever.  Are you considering deleting the turning brake levers?

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Get us a photo of the whole car as well. All sides. it will be very helpful.

What’s your intended use for this car?  For example, you want to switch the turning brakes to a parking brake, why? 

I trust damn near 100% of the knowledge in here! Read every post thrice, respond to questions, and implement! You'll be happy. Good luck! 

This guys doesn't even know the rabbit hole he just went down.  In five years, he's gonna make a post: "Just picked up a used Tatum black widow.  Love the car, but maybe needs a little boost?  Should I upgrade the 2d to a S4D or Albins?........."

This guys doesn't even know the rabbit hole he just went down.  In five years, he's gonna make a post: "Just picked up a used Tatum black widow.  Love the car, but maybe needs a little boost?  Should I upgrade the 2d to a S4D or Albins?........."
It only took me 3 to decide, but another 1 to get it done.  LOL.

This guys doesn't even know the rabbit hole he just went down.  In five years, he's gonna make a post: "Just picked up a used Tatum black widow.  Love the car, but maybe needs a little boost?  Should I upgrade the 2d to a S4D or Albins?........."
That would make for a good topic here!!!

I really want to see pics of the whole rail, too. Cool project I would bet its a old BugPack or Fugative frame.

The wooden shift knob is LEGIT!

Also I to wonder about the E-Brake versus turning brake swap/question. maybe just add a stock e-brake lever on the driver left in/outside the frame seat. Or add a line lock between the master cyliders.
