If you live in California, your power bill will soon depend on your income...WTF????


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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:simrak:  Not sure if this was already a topic here..couldn't find anything, but here it goes...


Read the comments at the end...Geez there are some stupid people!

This is NOT a good idea by any means! 

CA has always been pay for what you use state. Basing utilities on your income is just another way that our esteemed CA gubment is trying to screw the EFF out of us!

  :thefinger:  NEWSCUM!!! EFF you!

Go take a sub ride to the Titanic will ya????



Just keeps getting better and better!   :kenk:

Also read the new +8% gas tax hits us July 1st.
and on top of that they are trying to push through a $/Mile tax.  they are saying its because they are not getting enough $ from the EV's that dont buy gas, but it is simply a grab for more money to build more mass transit that NO-ONE wants......... 

It got out that the road use charge was going to go completely to mass transit projects & they were not @ all apologetic about it.......  they are all a.z.z. holes. 

Batteries! Getting cheaper and cheaper .... sounds like a good time to funnel my solar panels into my own batteries.

I've known about this for a while and I'm in TN.

I'm so thankful I made the move when I did...wish I had done it one year earlier.

and on top of that they are trying to push through a $/Mile tax.  they are saying its because they are not getting enough $ from the EV's that dont buy gas, but it is simply a grab for more money to build more mass transit that NO-ONE wants......... 

It got out that the road use charge was going to go completely to mass transit projects & they were not @ all apologetic about it.......  they are all a.z.z. holes. 
I thought the Mile tax would replace the gas tax??  At lease that is what I thought I read??  The EV's pay zero tax, weigh more and do more damage to the streets.  San Diego has their own problem.

California considering new "mile-based" tax systen | Regional | kdrv.com

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@Cookie, SANDAG has been trying to push the $/mile tax through for San Diego.  it also appears that the state wants to do it as well.  I I know im a bit skeptical but I doubt that the Fuel Tax will go away, it will end up being called the "tax the folks that still drive fuel powered cars tax". 

Do you own a boat?

Newsome is proposing a 300% increase on registration,,,,,

They are going to make ALL the cities.... toll zones...you want to go to the city...it will cost you $20.00 plus just to drive thru.... This state is F'd.........well so is the country... Thank a liberal.....

Nice family, looking to move into a small home on a choice property by the river.

Not afraid of goats, golf balls or tractor shenanigans... Must appreciate mariachi music at all hours. let a feller know :deal:

@Cookie, SANDAG has been trying to push the $/mile tax through for San Diego.  it also appears that the state wants to do it as well.  I I know im a bit skeptical but I doubt that the Fuel Tax will go away, it will end up being called the "tax the folks that still drive fuel powered cars tax". 
I agree, they still need to tax all those Zoners that clog our streets up in the Summer :classic_biggrin:   Either way, the EV's need to help pay for the roads they use.  They could do it with registration fees?

I agree, they still need to tax all those Zoners that clog our streets up in the Summer :classic_biggrin:   Either way, the EV's need to help pay for the roads they use.  They could do it with registration fees?
I trust none of it.  Whatever tax they come up with for EVs will still screw all of us, guaranteed.

I agree, they still need to tax all those Zoners that clog our streets up in the Summer :classic_biggrin:   Either way, the EV's need to help pay for the roads they use.  They could do it with registration fees?
The only thing that gets me to cross the Colorado into that hell hole is the dunes.  So glad I got out of there.
