I have about $2500 in canned goods, want do donate, but where?

Spent a little time in Utah here and there. Made some pretty good friends who were “in the church”.  Those cats are prepared. Not sure if it’s required by the church or what but their garages, basements, bug out rooms were plentiful with fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, staple items. Each had family sized gardens and fruit trees. Looked like a community effort but the area between blocks or streets had livestock. And most were armed like the bunker in Tremors.

 I say do like the Mormons and learn how to can.

Oh Yeah the Mormons are big on prepping. I have a coworker that is in that church and he told me how every year they have a huge restock/dontate weekend. He said they keep a min of one year supply of food for their family.

Oh Yeah the Mormons are big on prepping. I have a coworker that is in that church and he told me how every year they have a huge restock/dontate weekend. He said they keep a min of one year supply of food for their family.
Yea, we are more into prepping than most.  Back in the 80's it was always talked about.  Many members made strong pushes to have that year supply.  My FIL just finally threw away some buckets of wheat that had expired.  The shelf life on that was 25 years and it was older than that.  I knew a few members that had the year supply, but when they had to move the moving company would not move it, except for a pretty large fee, so they just sold parts of it off to locals.  Probably the biggest reasoning to have the full year supply is to share with the neighbors when SHTF.  Reality is, it has become apparent it is difficult to store that full year supply.  Now the thought is to jsut do what you can do.  Some can only do an extra week.  Some a month, or some 3 months.  Now days, with the 1 month supply in a bucket it is very easy to store, has a 25 year shelf life and all you need is water.  Heck, i know some members that have buckets of cigarettes for trade...  Oh, and dont get me started on guns/ammo.  Most of us know we are going to have to protect ourselves when the time comes.  

On my food supply, i have a little.  BUT i am picky eater.  Same with my older kids.  Over the last year we have started stocking up on rice.  I have the intent to can some chicken.  I have plenty of protein and powder milk.  Plan is to just keep rotating it through.  The other big thing is water supply.  I have 100 gallons of water stored.  Starting to stock up on bottle water.  

All in all, its not a terrible idea and on paper somewhat easy to have a 1 month supply.  We live in areas, that if things go south, there will be run on food supply, as we saw a glimpse of it last year.  I could go on an on...

Make a friend with a Mormon.  Better 2.. you know the joke.  Why you do you always take 2 mormons with you to Glamis?  If you take one, he'll drink all your beer.  Not me though.  

Regarding ABCs donation.  I applaud it.  It is outstanding that the church he donated to feeds 400 families a week.    It was probably welcoming to have different food come in.  Again, impressive.  DOTM for sure!
