I have about $2500 in canned goods, want do donate, but where?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Not sure if I've shared the story.. kinda funny. I was in Glamis and on 3/21/21 (a Sunday), wife tells me that they cancelled in-person school for my then freshman at HS. I was slated to stay in G for another few days. Well we all didn't know what was up. Was never worried about TP .. Um duh.. just take old T-shirts and cut swatches (for TP).. but I didn't have a lot of canned goods.

So I bailed and went straight to Brawley Vons/Ralphs, whatever the big grocery store is. Handed out some $100 bills to employees and told them to grab carts. We had 6 filled when some 'manager' with a clip board says, 'Hey what are you doing?.. I have to support the 44k folks who live in Brawley, you can only have 1 can of each kind/flavor'.. totally pissed me off. I replied, 'Dude, I'm here with money to PURCHASE this stuff,.. if sh__ hits the fan, folks will come in with AR15's .. shoot you in the head and just take it,...'

Anyhow, bailed and hit up that little Latin American grocery store/deli/restaurant a little further down the road. Told the manager my intent to do the same. She called the owner and they locked the doors and the employees helped me clear out the store. Turns out I have about 25% Manudo (didn't even know what it was back then). Needless to say, I'm going to replace all of it with some high end doomsday stuff I've seen from some US companies. Looks expensive, but lasts forever and supposedly is pretty good (tasting). 

Anyhow, this is like a 1/2 pallet and I want to get rid of them, replace them with the 'better stuff.' 

Any ideas on where to donate it all?



PS. I'm in Laguna HIlls, California.


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We have a food pantry at our church in Cypress  scgchurch.com

I could come load up my truck and take it there for you. 

Or as @matt86m said take it to the OC mission 

We have a food pantry at our church in Cypress  scgchurch.com

I could come load up my truck and take it there for you. 

Or as @matt86m said take it to the OC mission 
Just sent you a PM. Let's pick a time to meet and it's yours!



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Thanks GD community. So I've been researching the high end dooms day prep deals .. any US made companies you can suggest I'd appreciate.



I've had the ones Raspadoo posted. They tasted pretty good.

Costco also sells MRE's. Mountain House is an American company. Might be worth checking out?

Cool beans. Yeah, I want to put about the same $$ I spent on my half-ass attempt into better stuff. I plan to keep about 50% at home, 25% in the TH and 25% into one of my storage units (spread it out) should one or more of the places become 'compromised.



Mountainhouse tastes the best in many of the reviews. That's what I went with. 30 year shelf life if stored as per directions. 

You can live a long time without food, Water, Water, Water.  :thumb: I have every almost every filter system on that site with extra cartridges for the big one. Good info on water storage there too. 

these guys are one of my customers.


they had to stop taking orders back in 2020 because they couldn't keep up (this is the brand you see in costco, or walmart sams club etc in those buckets.).  I have some of their stuff in the closet.

EDIT - well damn it looks like a lot is still out of stock.

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My TH has 100 all the time… I have a pool .. not sure if you can make it drinkable without a still.

I had 2 55 gallon drums (empty) that came from a malasys plant.., sold them… maybe gave them away for free… used them for my TH so I could take 200+ gallons for a 10 day trip.

I have a four barrel (filter) reverse osmosis for my tap.

water … hmmmm


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Props to ABC !

Thanks again for the hook up with the food, It was great to meet you. 

 I got everything delivered to the food pantry at our church tonight. It was great learning experience for me as well. The guy that runs it told me they are feeding 400 families per week. This did not even exhist before Covid. 




Spent a little time in Utah here and there. Made some pretty good friends who were “in the church”.  Those cats are prepared. Not sure if it’s required by the church or what but their garages, basements, bug out rooms were plentiful with fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, staple items. Each had family sized gardens and fruit trees. Looked like a community effort but the area between blocks or streets had livestock. And most were armed like the bunker in Tremors.

 I say do like the Mormons and learn how to can.
