How many here chose a new screen name when the site crashed?

I changed my name about 8-10 years ago from alxcook, this time I stayed with the same.  

OG Name was CrstyDmn back when I started....all the dudes thought I was a female named Christi. :blink:

After a few unsolicited dick pics sent via DM....I changed it to Crusty.  :lol:

The DM have slowed down now that Fasthighjumper and a few others have dropped off the board :lmao:

But can we :ban:   :tll:   The Latin Lover?    :bigcry:

Originally I was MWBbanshee but when I sold the banshee I dropped that and just was MWB.  In a world of 1000 Mikes it seems I get called MWB or just MB by more people then Mike.

Like Herpes......but nobody ever looks to get it on purpose.
I thought about changing my name to Socaldmax when the new board started up. My plan was to go around agree with everything anybody posted. When people asked for advice or opinions I would tell them I didn't have anything to add but was told if I did that the internet would break.  I couldn't have that on my watch

Changer mind due to fact that right before the sight crashed I was wrecked in dunes and car was totaled so seemed to fit. Will make my triumphant return to the sand in two days. 

Could have taken socaldmax then...

I thought about changing my name to Socaldmax when the new board started up. My plan was to go around agree with everything anybody posted. When people asked for advice or opinions I would tell them I didn't have anything to add but was told if I did that the internet would break.  I couldn't have that on my watch
This guy wins the board today!!!

DOM, Chormo, mild steel....doesn't matter.  Whatever fits your budget and gets you out to enjoy the sand is what really matters...
Unless it's a Can-Am.  We all know it'll just assplode the whole front end...

I was contemplating changing mine when the site started over, I didn't, I kinda wished I had. To something a little more fitting....

Oh well.

When you're "Da chEFF A DA WORLD" it's a title I can't relinquish. Peace
