How many here chose a new screen name when the site crashed?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
Reaction score
I kept my old screen name when the site rebooted, but I am sure that many chose to go with something different.  If you decided to change, what went into your decision process?  Fresh start, bored with the old name, better avatar options?  You need not out yourself if you were a dik bag under your old name...  🤐 

I changed my screen name to match other sites. I was cmyfirepole.  :strokeit:

same, no imagination and no pic, haven't dove in that far to figure it out lol.

Been aceisback on each and every forum I’ve been on since I discovered the internet back on 1996.

Too much to keep up with different personalities at my age. Same old me, sorry.

Same, only have a few sites that have screen names. Got a keep it simple

I was worried someone was going to take my name.

Mac for life!
