How do you describe Glamis to people that haven't been there?

Glamis is many things for me:

1. it is a place to camp with friends and family and reconnect with them

2. the toys are just an excuse to be with this like minded group

3. Endless rollercoaster

4. Get away from the life commitments

5. Remove myself from my cellphone

6. and end of the day, you doesn't like the sound of a big engine, the smell of race gas, and the giggles from girls on their first dune ride.
I would second the post above  as mentioned above,  my best friends today are from way back when.  In fact 3 of us and our wives meet up every other weekend for taco Tuesday and talk about life.  we have done this for the last 15 years.  Cheers to friends!

Many of the people I've met at Glamis have become close friends, only see them at Glamis and can't wait to see them at the next trip. Have helped many over the years and some have helped me everyone is family.

When someone ask me what I do at Glamis my answer is "I set an watch the cactus grow and drink beer ......(pause)............ Oh there isn't any cactus"  always like the blank look on their face.

"HJ"    :ex:       :cheers:

if they are nice people i feel like having a real conversation with ill explain it with some details.  if they are some efftards that i really dont want to waste my time talking to they get the basic "its sand dunes in soouthern calif" and thats it.. might add look it up on googles machine.

if they are nice people i feel like having a real conversation with ill explain it with some details.  if they are some efftards that i really dont want to waste my time talking to they get the basic "its sand dunes in soouthern calif" and thats it.. might add look it up on googles machine.
Use the "80/20" rule :lol:  

Yeah, some folks you don't want to spend anytime explaining it to...

Amazingly had the exact conversation Thursday evening. Clueless people who were interested in "WHAT'S GLAMIS?" City folk wanting to know. I explained it like this. Take Interstate 8 as fast as you can. Tilt the 15 at a 45 and bank off that ramp never letting the throttle off. Keep it pegged until the 52. Bank that ramp at a 45 with throttle pegged. Come to rest at the water and have a ICDB. Then do it again. Peace

It's dirty.  Don't go.

One of my favorite feelings in the world is taking my helmet off after blazing ride.  Completely out of breath, laughing my ass off as my buddies in their big HP long travel cars roll in because they couldn't keep up with my little TRX450 through the big dunes.
