How do you describe Glamis to people that haven't been there?

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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Had this posted previously and was a great read on everyone's perspective.  Hexnutz was asked about Glamis a few years back. She was at the store with a Glamis hoodie on and the person behind her asked "Whats Glamis"

For me it's an adrenaline rush, a race, a release of stress, a time to relax and enjoy ourselves. The dunes for me is like a roller coaster that I can control.

Camping in the washes can be down right beautiful. With no one around, the critters come out and nature takes over.  Its a very special time if you can appreciate it. I know I do.  Then it's full blown mayhem with thousands of people whom share most of the same love for Glamis.

Its my place to reset.

Imagine endless rollercoasters and no speed limit In the same place……. Glamis

Now being in a buggy with a motor i built myself with more power then i can use, screaming like a crazy Ferrari, drifting through bowls with the turning brake full on and full throttle at the same time, hanging it out there. hitting a few jumps on the fly that are huge.  having built my car to take on the worst Glamis can dish out and it holds together for another butt kicking run---Priceless

Having guys get out of their car during a run and scream, "i feel like a race car driver" trying to tow the car no one wants to tow back to camp, fixing cars in the middle of the dunes with a test light, zip ties and ingenuity. making people throw up, one guy three times on one run---Priceless 

in the long past having huge fires that someone else started with a lot of gasoline, witness someone else do a 55 gallon trash bag of Acetylene and oxygen bomb that shook every window in every camp for 2 miles, camping out with an EZup for 5 hours at the canal in the summer, getting busted for swimming in the canal with my kids, the ranger letting my kids go cause they had good grades, and then looked at me and said i should know better--then let me go--Priceless

Getting up super early and leaving on a run with friends and  icicles forming on the tip of my nose knowing no other people are crazy enough to do what we are doing and having the dunes to ourselves. going on dune run with not one track anywhere, sometimes so bad you cant drive over 15 mph for fear of your life, racing ralph in his 3 rotor down the drags over and over---priceless

coming in second only to aftershock on a "guys weekend" drag races in the dune have having my eardrums practically blown out.  accidently sand blasting a group of duners (jeep guys) on a precipice sipping wine and crackers and have them chase me down to kick my Butt cause i dint think my roost was going to be as big as it was--Priceless

Taking money from friends that think they are faster than me at the EPO's, win races in the dunes against guys who say they have never been beat, then take my buddies out for a steak dinner on the winnings, looking at all the creations that people can come up with to move through Mother G, going into the canal hanging onto a rope at 9pm at night just before my ride home cause i only had a truck and felt like a new man all the way home--Priceless

watching video's on a lap top with my buddy going out to the dunes just to test a new motor package to have it last 30 minuets--but realizing the potential it will have and then driving home in one day,  when chemtool was only $1 per can and i would buy 24 cans and my kids and i would do ghost busters with lighters, just dont cross the flames (beams) of fire!  teaching all my kids how to ride a quad by age of three, even my downs syndrome son!--Priceless

standing next to my buggy and having my son and daughter take turns with wheelie contest that got so long i had to shut them down for fear of loosing one of them, making my living in a sport i love, going to the funco regattas, winning the blindmans rally with my daughter.  driving cars back to camp so damaged that the owners didnt want to. tearing off a front wheel and brake line, but then my group was going to leave on a run and im the leader.  i pinched off my brake line, tied up my suspension and led a great run--priceless

this is the short list of how i would describe Glamis and why i Go.

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I tell the people who dune but have never been there that you can ride all day and never ride the same bowl twice, for non duners it's a place where the world just goes away and enjoy a break from the madness in the world!

Glamis is many things for me:

1. it is a place to camp with friends and family and reconnect with them

2. the toys are just an excuse to be with this like minded group

3. Endless rollercoaster

4. Get away from the life commitments

5. Remove myself from my cellphone

6. and end of the day, you doesn't like the sound of a big engine, the smell of race gas, and the giggles from girls on their first dune ride.

Active sand dunes, some over 300' high and at max repose (steep) as far as the eye can see. They go for 22 miles and average 5 miles wide with no trails or signs, you can ride as fast and as far as your talent can take you. The population of Imperial County (where it is located) will more than double on busy weekends solely due to visitors that bring their off road toys to blow off steam and spend time with their families. You can join the masses and tens of thousands of other off roaders or spend a weekend in solitude and rarely encounter anyone else. It's a harsh climate but incredibly beautiful.

It's the calm and it's the storm. 

It's a huge area near the border of Mexico that has beautiful Sand Dunes, like you see in the movies.

You can ride them getting an adrenaline rush better then any roller-coaster because their are no tracks. or you can chill in the quiet, just watch the sunrise....before the chaos starts.

My happy place.

It sucks!   Sand gets everyplace. In your eyes in your hair in your food in your butt crack. It's either to hot or to cold there is either no breeze or the wind is howling 100mph. It's too loud it's to quiet. To many people or to few. It consumes every waking moment and every available penny you have.

They then ask why I continue to go, I just tell them I like those things

I was at a Red Sox game with my big Billy crew Glamis Angles  T-shirt and had 2 pure Italian teenager kids sitting behind us and asked what is Glamis?. I had a friend years ago post on YouTube one of our rides through the dunes and I pulled it up and showed them and they could not believe what they were seeing!!!.... 

Winters are wet and cold up here, so the first two words I use are "sunny and warm".

Inspiration, adrenaline, relaxation, friendship/comradery but most of all it's one of very few places I can lose track of time. 

Glamis is many things for me:

1. it is a place to camp with friends and family and reconnect with them

2. the toys are just an excuse to be with this like minded group

3. Endless rollercoaster

4. Get away from the life commitments

5. Remove myself from my cellphone

6. and end of the day, you doesn't like the sound of a big engine, the smell of race gas, and the giggles from girls on their first dune ride.
Your number 2 is my number 1. I say that all the time.  It's all about the camping to me. Being with family and the best of friends that have become family. The cars are just a way to join all these people with the same passion together. That's why everyone becomes so close. Everyone thinks the same. The riding and cars is just the ultimate bonus. 

Being able to do this as a job is pretty awesome.  To have the opportunity to build and upgrade, maintain these machines for a living everyday is pretty cool. As a kid I thought I was gonna be a lineman because I thought the trucks with the claw were cool. I never dreamed of working with these ultimate extreme machines. 
