Hot Tub Motor Shelf Life


May 5, 2021
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Random question but I know there are a lot of smart dudes here so I'm looking for some opinions. I have a hot tub motor that I've had in my shed for maybe 8 years. My question is, since it hasn't ran in awhile, will it still be good if I was to try to use it at this point? My current motor has a small leak and the bearings are going out so it needs to be replaced. Thanks!

Is this a motor or a pump ?   Pump seals will leak, motors usually dont leak.

You're correct, the motor isn't leaking. 


This is the part that is leaking.

motor 2.png

typically a motor will not have a shelf life, but if it got moisture in or around it there may be some corrosion on dissimilar metals like the copper brushes, etc...

Id run it.

The are pretty simple to swap out. At least mine were.

I've never done it but yea, doesn't seem to difficult to swap out. Thanks for the info everyone. 
