Hope to identify my new sand rail frame manufacturer as well as the snap on vinyl panels


New member
Jun 17, 2022
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Having a sand rail has been kind of a bucket list item for me for 20+ years.
Just picked this rail up yesterday. runs great, 1600cc dual port. Wiring needs to be cleaned up but it works as is. I think I got a good deal at $3k with a clean title and fairly new tires on powder coated rims. 
What I don't know is who manufactured the frame. Would like to find out so I have a base to start looking for upgrades etc.
Would also like to find out what brand/model the snap on panels are if possible.

I can post more detailed pics if necessary to help identify

Also happy to hear what upgrades might be suggested. I plan on running this mostly on the road around town with occasional trips to the dunes in Michigan once I get a set of paddle tires for it.







Possibly a hi jumper, Johnny's speed and chrome, bugpack or even a mazzone?  Glwts

I thought it looked like the Berrien Warrior two seater, except that frame doesn't have the triangular plates where the top of the rear shocks mount (added after the fact maybe)? 
Not really a fan per-se of the vinyl panels, at least not in red, but I'm planning on breaking down the entire buggy before winter and then stripping/powder coating the frame so I wouldn't mind finding another set of that vinyl in a different color. Seems like it was made specifically for that frame.
As I said, I am also curious to hear more seasoned peoples thoughts on upgrades and if it was a decent deal or not. 

As of now, my immediate upgrade list is a new tach (the one in it doesn't work, good signal, gauge is frozen)
A GPS based speedo
And a new gauge panel/box.....would love suggestions here, haven't found anything yet.....would like to find something that is a fully enclosed box I can add gauges/switches to.

Side note....all the cheap/goofy skulls and related BS are coming off immediately. Today was literally my first day with it so its just a step at a time. 

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Can't answer any of the questions you asked, but I can say you need to check your motor mounts and trans mounts. Your motor is leaning quite a bit. That could be as simple as a broken/ missing mount and it could be a sign of worse things like a broken case on the trans or engine or possibly a bent frame horn. 

Looks like a fun little car and a great intro to the sport for how you plan to use it. 

Can't answer any of the questions you asked, but I can say you need to check your motor mounts and trans mounts. Your motor is leaning quite a bit. That could be as simple as a broken/ missing mount and it could be a sign of worse things like a broken case on the trans or engine or possibly a bent frame horn. 

Looks like a fun little car and a great intro to the sport for how you plan to use it. 
Yeah I had noticed that also. It appears somewhere in its life something happened and about 6 inches beyond the motor mount the frame horn was repaired and welded but they didn't get it perfectly level with the other side. all the mounts are still solid and everything looks straight front to back and side to side, just that one section coming back on the passenger side is about an inch or two lower.....I could possibly just put a spacer between the engine and the motor mount or even just cut the tab on that side and re weld a new one that's a bit taller.
I guess the question is....will it leaning a couple inches on one side hurt the motor as far as oil distribution or anything?
I'd like to just run it through the summer since it seems everything is secure and plenty stable, then either try and fix it this winter or maybe just find a different frame. 

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I would just drive it and have a great time. As you drive it you will find stuff that will need attention.  Take your time and learn the car before you take it to the dunes.  Street legal =smiles for miles. 

to me it mostly resembles a Fugitive - by Jims Trailers

The snap on panels would have just been a custom item an owner had made from a upholstery shop, nothing brand named

To be honest, the frame manufacture has almost nothing to do with upgrades.

It's all VW based stuff, you won't find parts specific to the frame other then VW replacements/upgrades. Figure out what year make model of the VW parts you have and work from there.

You already know it's a 1600 dual port
Looks like a factory ball joint beam
VW torsion rear housing/horn setup
someone upgraded to disc brakes in the rear from what I can see
but what trans/axle setup is one there?

the vinyl stuff any upholstery shop can make.

but what trans/axle setup is one there?
How would I go about telling what it is?
I have worked on a few old bugs years ago, just engine work so I'm familiar with that and I am a retired engineer so I can figure out most things, just not familiar with VW specific stuff. Would the type/year etc be stamped on it somewhere?

I greatly appreciate all the help and positive replies.

I'll probably end up spending way more than I could have bought a super clean one for, but for me the tinkering on it is at least half the fun, I enjoy having a bit of a project.
When I break it down this winter I plan on doing a full engine rebuild at the same time.

just drive it, because when you sink a ton in it, you will want to upgrade and then be harder to get your money back.

WOW............ that was back when San Diego, had the LA Area code...  Super cool!!!
its a 4 lug thug, so I would guess its a 002 with the VW Joints.  just guessing, but the tires dont have the gansta lean to be a Swing Axle.  on the trans there will a part  number. look for 002 or 094.

And yea.......... drive it until it dies & then make decisions from there. 


its a 4 lug thug, so I would guess its a 002 with the VW Joints.  just guessing, but the tires dont have the gansta lean to be a Swing Axle.  on the trans there will a part  number. look for 002 or 094.

And yea.......... drive it until it dies & then make decisions from there. 

View attachment 35022
The trans axle says 113 301 103L and has a 32 under that
Date code is AT 05 03 4



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