Happy Day...3 years early!

Well, I bought my new truck April of 2018, and right now I am waiting for the pink slip to get mailed to me as I have paid it off, 3 years early!


Hmmmm...what's next?

So, who wants to buy it off me?    :bag:



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Congrats dude.  My D'max truck is still the best vehicular purchase I've ever made. 


Yeah, No car payment is a great feeling. Did the same thing with my Wife's Camaro in 2015...paid that off in 2 1/2 years. that's why I got my truck. I didn't want 2 car payments. So when I bought my truck, I knew my payment would be less than the extra I was putting towards Cheryl's car...but since I was already making that payment, I just kept that going and knocked out my truck quick.

I'm kind of joking on a new one...but I would do it if I can pay cash for it.

My plan now is to take my actual payment, not the extra I was paying, and put that on the house.

The rest is like giving myself a raise!

But, yeah...I'm stoked!

@Crusty yeah, something new should be coming up as far as a new toy, just not a KRX. wonder what it's gonna be?

