Grant Langston ends broadcasting duties with AMA pro motocross!!!

I kinda feel the same way.. eventually since these variants and it's gonna be like the flu you'll have 2 choices..

1. Get vacinatted

2. Get Covid

I buckled and got my 2nd shot 5/5/21. 

I plan to travel and the vacinne does't concern me. That being said the intrusion on personal liberties and choices is WRONG. If you remain unvaccinated, life, work and travel will become more difficult. 

Many of my anti-vax folks are buckling under the pressure, some are now coming to fear COVID. Thanks a bunch China!

my son plays ball and his roomate tested postive, no shots. they told him he has to sit the first game even though he had not been in contact with the room mate. his second shot was scheduled yesterday. so they told him ok, you can play but can't stay in same house with the qb. so he comes home, i test positive and hes packed and headed to grandmas house. 3rd room mate pops positive and he's had both shots for a while. I can see it spreading like wildfire in football since they are all together damn near all day every day. Not sure how I got it, alot of times I'm alone at work, home, 2nd job, very limited interaction but i got it lol.

The latest study shows that if you have had it and are unvaxed you are 27% more immune that not getting it and being vaxed. 

It’s 27x less likely to get symptomatic repeat case…. Not 27%. Israel and India have both done extensive research on those with previous infection vs. those with no previous infection but vaccinated. Israel showed 13x less likely and India 27x less likely than those with the vaccine. Imagine that…. Our God given immune system works better than the vaccine. As in … A LOT better. Had Covid in December, felt like the flu for a couple days, no lasting effects…. Caved and got the vaccine in January and by February my lungs became aggravated like I was getting sick again, has felt that way ever since…. Thanks vaccine! I had absolutely zero respiratory issues with Covid, only after Vax!
