Grant Langston ends broadcasting duties with AMA pro motocross!!!


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May 6, 2021
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I for one will patronize Langston Motorsports for any of my needs. Thank you GRANT for standing up for what you believe in. 

Grant Langston has announced that he’s made the decision to stop his broadcasting duties with pro motocross effective immediately.

It’s been nearly eight full season’s he’s been doing the job but after not being allowed to attend the AMA National this weekend at Ironman because he’s not been vaccinated he’s decided to stop. 

Langston explains his reasons below: 

“Hey everyone, just a quick update. A couple of people in the TV compound have tested positive for COVID-19. I just found out that even if I get a negative test back that I still cannot go the race this weekend at Ironman. This is because I’ve not been vaccinated. If you get a negative test and have been vaccinated you can go, so in my opinion it’s not really about COVID-19, it’s about the vaccine. This is coming to me as the new CDC guidelines, it’s not necessarily from MAVTV, Lucas Oil Racing or NBC. It’s a pretty unfortunate situation”. 

“With that said, they told me I could go to the last two events but I must say I am a little frustrated that with a negative test I still cannot go. After a lot of thought I have made the decision to quit pro motocross announcing effective immediately. It’s a pity it has to end this way, it’s been a pretty good run and almost eight seasons. Thanks to everyone for all the kind words and compliments over the past few years. It’s meant a lot to me, it’s a tough job sometimes as you get very self-conscious so those compliments meant a lot. It’s tough it has to be like this but I’ve made my decision so take care everyone, cheers”. *

* article from

Mandatory Vaccinations from employers are coming to more companies this year, that is the reality.

Is this a case of he quit before they let him go, that's what folks are being forewarned, get vaccinated or eventually face consequences.

We just backed out a tournament next month in San Jose because the facility is requiring vaccinations for all players, oh well on to a location/tournament that allows personal choice.

....for now.

i tested positive for the covis today, no shots.

dr was cool. he said everyone will get this, no matter the shots or not, there's nothing going to stop it.

Mandatory Vaccinations from employers are coming to more companies this year, that is the reality.

Is this a case of he quit before they let him go, that's what folks are being forewarned, get vaccinated or eventually face consequences.

We just backed out a tournament next month in San Jose because the facility is requiring vaccinations for all players, oh well on to a location/tournament that allows personal choice.

....for now.
Well I will retire to ORGANIZED CRIME before I'll be forced to take a shot. Or just retire...


Mandatory Vaccinations from employers are coming to more companies this year, that is the reality.

Is this a case of he quit before they let him go, that's what folks are being forewarned, get vaccinated or eventually face consequences.

We just backed out a tournament next month in San Jose because the facility is requiring vaccinations for all players, oh well on to a location/tournament that allows personal choice.

....for now.
This week my superintendent was asking who’s fully vaccinated, and mentioned some job sites are gonna be making it a requirement to be on site. Corporate America is gonna make it almost impossible to do your job and provide for your family without the vaccine. If your not gonna listen, you will once it effects your wallet. 

This week my superintendent was asking who’s fully vaccinated, and mentioned some job sites are gonna be making it a requirement to be on site. Corporate America is gonna make it almost impossible to do your job and provide for your family without the vaccine. If your not gonna listen, you will once it effects your wallet. 
As I typed this my MBL app popped up Huston Astros mandate vaccine…

here we go 

This week my superintendent was asking who’s fully vaccinated, and mentioned some job sites are gonna be making it a requirement to be on site. Corporate America is gonna make it almost impossible to do your job and provide for your family without the vaccine. If your not gonna listen, you will once it effects your wallet. 
If everyone walks off the job... corporate America will change its mind.

This is coming to me as the new CDC guidelines, it’s not necessarily from MAVTV, Lucas Oil Racing or NBC. It’s a pretty unfortunate situation

LOL.  As a few have mentioned above, this is not coming from the .gov, it's coming from private enterprise, in this case either MAVTV, Lucas or NBC. 

While Mr. Langston is a great MXr, methinks his tinfoil hat  is on a little too tight . . .

Which is interesting  because nurses in san diego seem to be leaving the trade due to being forced to get it.  And now the nurse shortage is even worse.  

 Actually, we are already seeing the opposite:

75 Florida doctors stage symbolic walkout in protest of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients
LOL @ the irony.... those who are in the field of treating the sick. Are they all vaccinated for Ebola and AIDS? Because that comes in and out of the hospital as well. Maybe they will walk out every flu season as well, unless the flu vaccine is mandated as well. 

also... from the article. This is a big difference than walking off / quitting your job to make a statement. 

Just before sunrise, about 75 doctors stepped outside their hospitals and offices temporarily to stand together and encourage the community to get vaccinated. The doctors were not on duty at the time, gathering either before or after their shifts, according to a spokesperson.

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LOL @ the irony.... those who are in the field of treating the sick. Are they all vaccinated for Ebola and AIDS? Because that comes in and out of the hospital as well. Maybe they will walk out every flu season as well, unless the flu vaccine is mandated as well. 

also... from the article. This is a big difference than walking off / quitting your job to make a statement. 

Just before sunrise, about 75 doctors stepped outside their hospitals and offices temporarily to stand together and encourage the community to get vaccinated. The doctors were not on duty at the time, gathering either before or after their shifts, according to a spokesperson.
Methinks you need to look up the word "symbolic".  It was right in  the headline for you . . .

Methinks you need to look up the word "symbolic".  It was right in  the headline for you . . .
You were the one saying:

“Actually, we are already seeing the opposite”

In response to me saying:

“If everyone walks off the job”

I never mentioned everyone should pretend to walk off the job. Methinks you should prepare a better rebuttal / argument next time. 

I’m pretty sure that from the news that I’ve seen there are a lot more Dr.s, nurses, healthcare workers, that have NOT had the shot than there are who have.

Of course I don’t get my news from msnbc or cnn so your opinions may vary.

Been shopping at Langston motorsports for a few years.  (Last service experience was not so great though) Much respect to Grant!  my job requires vax or weekly testing.  I will begin weekly testing soon.  Already had the virus and see no reason to put their crap in my body.  The real question is why don't employers require vaxed peeps to take weekly testing when they can contract and spread the virus?  That alone tells me nothing else matters other than big pharma and politicians get they're $.  

i tested positive for the covis today, no shots.

dr was cool. he said everyone will get this, no matter the shots or not, there's nothing going to stop it.
I kinda feel the same way.. eventually since these variants and it's gonna be like the flu you'll have 2 choices..

1. Get vacinatted

2. Get Covid

I buckled and got my 2nd shot 5/5/21. 

I plan to travel and the vacinne does't concern me. That being said the intrusion on personal liberties and choices is WRONG. If you remain unvaccinated, life, work and travel will become more difficult. 

Many of my anti-vax folks are buckling under the pressure, some are now coming to fear COVID. Thanks a bunch China!


I kinda feel the same way.. eventually since these variants and it's gonna be like the flu you'll have 2 choices..

1. Get vacinatted

2. Get Covid

I buckled and got my 2nd shot 5/5/21. 

I plan to travel and the vacinne does't concern me. That being said the intrusion on personal liberties and choices is WRONG. If you remain unvaccinated, life, work and travel will become more difficult. 

Many of my anti-vax folks are buckling under the pressure, some are now coming to fear COVID. Thanks a bunch China!

There is also option 3.  Get vaccine and get Covid LOL 

Been shopping at Langston motorsports for a few years.  (Last service experience was not so great though) Much respect to Grant!  my job requires vax or weekly testing.  I will begin weekly testing soon.  Already had the virus and see no reason to put their crap in my body.  The real question is why don't employers require vaxed peeps to take weekly testing when they can contract and spread the virus?  That alone tells me nothing else matters other than big pharma and politicians get they're $.  
Same with the schools, if exposed and no vaccine, 10 day quarantine or 7 and a negative test. If exposed and vaccinated right back to class. Makes ZERO sense. Pure politics. Kudos to Grant.
