GPS coordinate race in the dunes


Forum Moderator
Apr 30, 2021
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we have all talked about doing a point to point race in the dunes and how dangerous it would be and impossible to make it safe. Why not have some one pic a spot say near China wall as a starting point and have a popular easy to find ending place like sunset or ??  You could run it when ever you want, perhaps once a trip. just need to have a recording a device on. We could post our times/Video and you can do it as often as you like. For the average fast duner it may only be a 10 min stint. You could do it mid week, early in the morning or when ever. There is zero pressure … just post the time or better the video. You can pick your own line and everyone can do it. Even if you’re slow just to see. This tests your car, driving ability, navigating abilities and at your own pace and when you think it’s safe


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What a great idea. You can take your group on that run and they'll never know you're setting a time! Peace

This is a great idea. The camera makes it interesting to those who do not compete as well as we can watch it and get a sense of what lines other people use.  You would be able to see where some people like to straighten out things for speed and others like to fly like a crow to save on distance.

Swing set to Osborne would be a good run but not enough of a dune run. It would end up just being a sand highway speed fest after the first couple of runs. 

Firemen's Flag Pole to the Swing Set could be challenging but is it long enough? 

I am sure there are GPS apps that can track t all as well.  Heck we do this on Strava all of the time.

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This sounds just like when I’m using my Strava app for Mountain Biking! That would be a lot of fun! 
It could be set up for fastest times for the day,7-day period and for the year. 

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This was taken on garmen watch last weekend.  

I like that I burned one beer worth of calories in that ride. LOL 


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Are we no longer calling it Brawley Slide?
The Firemen's Flag Pole is located at the bottom of Brawley Slide. 

By saying the Firemen's flag pole we have an exact start or stop location not just near a hill or in a valley.  You would have people who would say I was at the top of the hill at this time.

This sounds just like when I’m using my Strava app for Mountain Biking! That would be a lot of fun! 
It could be set up for fastest times for the day,7-day period and for the year. 
i like that^^^  once the start and finish spots are located it would be a lot of fun for all groups,  even a quad or bike or mixed group!

i think some challenging stuff should be in there like starting at the top of china, but then a lot of groups may not do that cause of the soft sand and terrain 

maybe end at Devils?

i know that i for one would do it as a dune ride and as straight as i could to see the difference

I love sitting at the top of china for the sunset and right when the sun goes behind the mountains is one of the best times to be hauling the mail

you could better your time or line multiple times throughout he year

Theres a post on IG from dirtlife media about a duners race on the 26th.  100 dollar buy in.  Who will enter????

isnt that SXS?
Nope.  Run what ya brung


17 hours ago, kazuaki said:

This isn't that fast compared to you fast guys, but something like this maybe. We started at the bottom of China Wall and ended at Road Runner 11 minutes later. It felt fast in a SxS anyway 🙂

I remember that ride. I was I camp with a broken frame. Didn't you say you had video of you following me that weekend...

18 hours ago, kazuaki said:

This isn't that fast compared to you fast guys, but something like this maybe. We started at the bottom of China Wall and ended at Road Runner 11 minutes later. It felt fast in a SxS anyway 🙂

That's a good rip

19 hours ago, kazuaki said:

This isn't that fast compared to you fast guys, but something like this maybe. We started at the bottom of China Wall and ended at Road Runner 11 minutes later. It felt fast in a SxS anyway 🙂

IMHO (take it for what it's worth, it's just an opinion and you know what they say: opinions are like bholes, everybody has one and most of 'em stink...) this isn't a "DUNER's RACE" at all.  I've led some fast night rides... but still nobody with a truly fast car is going to push it to the limits at night.  At that point it's just a matter of who gives the least effes and gets lucky enough not to break or hurt themselves.  Also, Pin to Pin (like RRE to Olds) just encourages you to flat-land and find the quickest DIRECT route, NOT a duner's route.  Basically, you'd want to just hug Gecko and haul ass close to everybody's camps... at night... when you can't see if kids or pets or people have strayed from the campfire... and get down to a bit North of Gecko loop and then try to catch a due-East line to Olds to cover the shortest amount of actual dunes.  There is a bit of a valley you can run going Northeast after dropping over the first ridge off Gecko, then you have a tiny section of actual bowls to crest over the top of Olds.  

It could be fun, and interesting... but it's not a good measure of a what a good Dune car or dune driver is.  It's more about chit-tons of travel and big balls.  


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Awesome vid!  China Wall to Roadrunner is an AWESOME rip if you catch the right line.  Not as heavily trafficked so generally not as beaten up, and it mostly steps up (after you get on top of the China ridge, obv) so you can really see and plan ahead.  11 minutes sounds like a great time.  I remember back in the day spending all day leaving from Vendor's trying to get to China and sometimes failing with too many break-downs, lost ppl, car sick ppl etc. in the group.  Once I started camping at RR it was like "oh, it's like 10 minutes that way" lol.  

IMHO (take it for what it's worth, it's just an opinion and you know what they say: opinions are like bholes, everybody has one and most of 'em stink...) this isn't a "DUNER's RACE" at all.  I've led some fast night rides... but still nobody with a truly fast car is going to push it to the limits at night.  At that point it's just a matter of who gives the least effes and gets lucky enough not to break or hurt themselves.  Also, Pin to Pin (like RRE to Olds) just encourages you to flat-land and find the quickest DIRECT route, NOT a duner's route.  Basically, you'd want to just hug Gecko and haul ass close to everybody's camps... at night... when you can't see if kids or pets or people have strayed from the campfire... and get down to a bit North of Gecko loop and then try to catch a due-East line to Olds to cover the shortest amount of actual dunes.  There is a bit of a valley you can run going Northeast after dropping over the first ridge off Gecko, then you have a tiny section of actual bowls to crest over the top of Olds.  

It could be fun, and interesting... but it's not a good measure of a what a good Dune car or dune driver is.  It's more about chit-tons of travel and big balls.  

I agree, but don't think they will do it at night and that's saying if the socials don't get out and get it shut down.  Be a hell of sh*t show if they do do it and at night.
