Gotta Vent !


May 10, 2021
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Sorry folks but I have to vent on something that happened to us over the weekend. For some reason I am really bothered by it.

We had an opportunity to do a 911 memorial cruise with a local car club. The cruise was to take place over 3 days and had lots of stops along historic route 66. There were around 50 cars total and about 90+ people on the cruise. Pretty exciting and got lots of looks on the highway when were grouped together. Fast forward to Saturday night. Someone from the car club had called days in advance to set up a "cruise in" at a local Sonic in Bullhead City. It was announced at a prior stop to make sure we all went to Sonic after checking into our hotels. Being that there were 50 cars, we thought we would clean up the car and ourselves and head up early to get a primo spot. Well upon arrival we were promptly greeted as we exited our car by a young man who introduced himself as Jerry the GM for this Sonic. Very nice guy and very excited for the event. He went over all the preparations he had made to ensure the car club was all set. He had brought in extra staff to accommodate the crowd, brought his family up there, reached out to locals, and even went as far to make up a playlist of all patriotic songs to play on an external bluetooth speaker he brought. So the stage was set for a great time. We got some drinks and hung out talking to Jerry. Another couple was there as well that was on the cruise but not part of the club. As we all hung around talking about how great it was going to be with all the cars coming, Jerry began to get worried as no one else was showing up. I sent a message out on the group chat and received no response. The other couple that was there got a message from someone the knew in the club and said that the club president sent out a notice saying it was canceled ? we did not get a notice and Jerry never got a call about it being cancelled. So some messages started flying back and fourth and a few people from the cruise decided to come down there. After all was said and done there were 4 cars from the cruise and 1 from a passer by who pulled in and hung out. Poor Jerry went form hero to zero pretty quick. I felt really bad as we were part of the group that I feel had let him down. I wish we could have done something for him as he had all those people clocked in and ready to go, and nothing happened. One of the couple that showed up towards the end told us they saw the club president and VP with a group of people all partying it up in the hotel casino.

What say you ? pee pee move ? Or is it Jerry's fault for trusting people on their word ?

For what it is worth if you are ever in Bullhead City, AZ stop in to Sonic. Jerry is a great guy.

complete D I C K move and i wouldnt want to be associated with that club after that. some shity people running it. small towns dont forget chit like that and it hurts everyone in the car community in the end as businesses wont want to support or allow events to take place at their properties.

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I would get with the Club President, then decide.

For what it is worth if you are ever in Bullhead City, AZ stop in to Sonic. Jerry is a great guy.
We have a house out there, I'll top in next time we're there :cheers:  

Just curious - did anyone ask President douchebag why he cancelled the event and then didn't have the courtesy to notify Sonic? Enquiring minds want to know his answer. 

Just curious - did anyone ask President douchebag why he cancelled the event and then didn't have the courtesy to notify Sonic? Enquiring minds want to know his answer. 
I did not see the message because I am not part of the club. But some people said he sent out a message saying it was cancelled with no reason why. But even if that was the case, why not notify the poor guy at Sonic ? 

We gave the group a try and learned very quickly how clicky it was and after that we just decided it wasn't for us. We have done a number of motorcycle rides and have been meeting new groups to dune with for years, we thought this would have the same feel. We were wrong. We did meet many new and friendly people on our weekend adventure so it was not a loss, just a disappointment.  

Not sure how Car Clubs work.  But how does one dude dictate what 50 other people do?  El Presidente says "cancelled" so everyone stays home?

They put their partying in front of people and commitments, should have saved it till after the commitment. 

Bummer, that Club President sounds like a Dick.


No class. Feel bad for the Manager. Knowing corporate (well 17 years ago), he'll probably not be able to host events moving forward without .. like a 'deposit' or something.

Customer service, courtesy, etc. are dying in American Culture. It's totally abhorrent. .. to bad most of 'the greatest generation' have passed. 

