Generator Mods - What have you done?

Just trying to get my Honda 2000i to run. Ran fine then next day wouldn’t start. Weak spark. Now what 😩😩

And dont forget the most important accessory 

My casters failed me!!!! Had the genny strapped on the trailer and I guess I hit a bump big enough to bounce it. Couldn't strap in 'down' since I didn't have any D rings on the deck so I strapped it up to the top rail. It flipped onto its side and bent 2 of the casters. Ill take them off and straighten them but it doesn't make me feel good about the next time. I may have to go the Poule route, we'll see

Told You So Mr $40 bucks!!! :lol: ,,,,,,,,This is the EXACT reason my toothbrush is on the RIGHT!.....lets Mia know that "Andy is ALWAYS RIGHT!"   :lmao:

Do This!


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All straightened out and rolling fine! I will probably get something like ^^^ tho.
