I had seen Outfront John do it so when I did my S4 I added an additional gusset on each side of the trailing arm perch and then installed a larger bolt. IIRC it was a 9/16 super high strength bolt. This job is tough for two reasons. Number one the stock perch is very hard material and hard to drill or get a reamer through. Access is hard to get in there with a drill. Number two it is hard to get in there to weld those tabs in. But doable. Beefy! Also notice I took some 1/8 plate, wrapped and welded to the tube where the uniball presses in. I have heard of at least on failure there and did not want to take any chances. On those tabs I did machine thick spacers to move each gusset away from the tab slightly. Needed for clearance and to get it welded in.
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