I have a 2008 Fleetwood Providence 39R with a Freightliner chassis. I got home from a recent trip and noticed that there was a seep coming from the coolant header tank. The back end of it is exposed to the sun and the plastic takes a beating. I did some reading up on it and found out that you have to cut the plywood in the floor of the closet to get it out. I did that and pulled it out and called Freightliner and found out that they are unavailable and no estimate on when they will be available. Poked around on the web and found that you can get all kinds of them except this one. New price is $130 if they were available. Found one used one at an RV junkyard in Kentucky for $300. Pictures looked really good and I was going to buy it but when I called the guy said they wouldn't be sending me the one in the photos, and the one they would be sending was old and yellowed like mine.
I gave up and made one from 1/8" aluminum. All of the bungs and the radiator cap neck were about $130, and I had to make one for the coolant level sensor. Then I paid a guy $200 to weld it up. It fit OK but I didn't think about the sight glass I put on it interfering with the P/S reservoir. I had to make a spacer for the reservoir to make it clear. Finally done and installed and no leaks (so far anyway). I used 1/2x2 channel iron to make a frame around the hole in the floor for the piece of plywood that I cut out to sit on.
This ended up being a lot more time and money than I was expecting. I guess the supply chain is still screwed up. I know there are lots of rigs out there that use this same tank, wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem.

I gave up and made one from 1/8" aluminum. All of the bungs and the radiator cap neck were about $130, and I had to make one for the coolant level sensor. Then I paid a guy $200 to weld it up. It fit OK but I didn't think about the sight glass I put on it interfering with the P/S reservoir. I had to make a spacer for the reservoir to make it clear. Finally done and installed and no leaks (so far anyway). I used 1/2x2 channel iron to make a frame around the hole in the floor for the piece of plywood that I cut out to sit on.
This ended up being a lot more time and money than I was expecting. I guess the supply chain is still screwed up. I know there are lots of rigs out there that use this same tank, wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem.