Fish tanks, posted if you got em


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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My tank crashed really hard about a year ago when I had the rona and was QT in the RV.  it’s just starting to settle Don and get healthy in the last month. 

hetes a short video of feeding time

Had thousands into a salt water for years. It takes years before they really start thriving. Glad I got rid of it. Then my dumb ass won a fish last week at the kids Halloween festival. It died in less than 2 days. Kid heartbroken. Went to pet store bought 2 more goldfish 1 died next day, it. Was older kids (she didn’t care) but now I got a stupid fish that probably won’t die or it will and I’ll have to start this whole adventure over by getting the real deal going.  

moral is don’t make the ball in to the cup at the “win a fish” booth!!!

Had 2 tanks when I was younger, a 100 and a 150. One aggressive and one docile. Had a 10 gal tank for feeder goldfish under the 150. Never got into live corals, that is another level!

Have had a fish tank for the last 25 years plus - always freshwater though.  I wasn't up for the maintenance and cost of saltwater.  My tanks have always been in the 125 to 135 gallon range - 6' long and 24"+ tall.  I don't do the live plant thing even though those tanks can be beautiful, I just don't want the variables that come with that (fish eating them, snails, etc.)  For those that don't know, these fish can live a VERY long time in a home aquarium with the correct filtration and living conditions.  I had one fish we just lost that we acquired from my wife's office when they removed their tanks.  It was 30+ years old (older than my son) and we lost him when I had to purchase a new tank and he passed during the transition/cycling process.  I have a clown loach right now that's well over 25 years old.  Thought about getting rid of the tank often, but I can't let those old timers go to another home and potentially killing them.  I guess I'm a softie but most my fish die of old age or some kind of long-term affliction.  Hint: the bigger the tank and the better filtration you have, the more success you'll have with way less maintenance.  My tank gets cleaned about every 5 weeks, other than that it's just a once a day feeding.

In the pics you'll see mostly small fish, the big loaches (8"+ long) are hiding in the back and off to the right side because the lights are at their brightest.

Fish Tank.jpg

Fish Tank 2.jpg

Planted 55g, low stock/no filtration (just some jets to move air, 100% silent). No water changes needed since it’s equilibrium and almost never any algae.  Gonna swap it to a hybrid terrarium/fish tank soon.


I have had a freshwater fish tank since the late 90's. Started keeping angelfish in high school, moved out to my own place and started a 200 gallon tank with a single arowana, it grew to about 16" and I slowly added about 50 African cichlids to the tank. These days I like to keep the in house tanks smaller 5-10 gallon range, (simple guppies and shrimps) because I have 3 outside connected ponds full of koi fish to take care of. Keeping fish is a rewarding hobbies but very time consuming! My two oldest kids have Betta tanks in their rooms also pretty cool fish.






@2turbofords - I've always wanted to do Koi as well, just never made the commitment.  Yours look great!  With all my other motorized hobbies, it's gets down to a time limitation as well.
