Favorite Camp Fire Drink?

Heineken zero for me. Too many nights of throwing up in the middle of the toy hauler or too hung over to ride the next day.
I'm all over the place. I definitely don't drink like I used to.

This weekend was bourbon on a couple rocks.

Sometimes a good gin and tonic, hot buttered rum (hot toddy), sometimes a mixed drink (whiskey and 7, whiskey and ginger)

If all else fails, nothing wrong with an ice cold beer
Ice Cold Beers never fails, especially when there's 1 million of them
Makers Mark n 7Up
Johnny Walker black label n 7Up

Jameson Black Barrel straight up on ice.

Good ole fashion seems to hit just right sitting by the camp fire.

Always have some good Bourbon on hand.
Beer and tequilla shots was always the standard for us. Sometimes we'd throw in a shot of Goldslager (no clue on spelling) or something funky like that. No cocktails while camping for me.
Campfire drink?

Other than Single Barrel, that @ChEFF turned me on to, I'll always go with this over ice. It's hard to find, but so worth it.

Patrón XO

Jameson Black Barrel over ice with splash of water...if having a few, more water goes in as the night progresses.
Last trip I didn't bring any and my buddy had Bullitt...did the same, over ice and splash of water.