F%&* Thieves! Stole my Catalytic Converter!

At least you got them on camera.  Drove to muffler shop to get the solution fixed.  You think you LS cars are loud?  You should have heard my V10 straight pipe as I drove 4 miles to the shop!  Since I just got the truck and smogged before they took the Cat, I paid cash for a straight pipe fix!  Shop called it a "test" pipe to get away with it lmfao.  I honestly thought it would sound louder but damn thing sounds the same even with my Mag muffler.  Oh well have 2 years to deal with the Cat and now dont have to worry about the Aholes stealing my Cat.  I've also got better cameras ordered and a car alarm with prox sensor.
When you go to replace make sure you match your engine family number to the replacement.  Sometimes it's published on the vendor's site, but best to confirm it by googling the EO # for the cat and making sure your engine family is listed.  If your truck is federal emissions, no big deal, any CARB compliant cat will do, but there might be hassle at the smog shop.


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We are turning into a lawless nation  

I hear Cats are 3 to 4 months to get a replacement - is that still the case?

Day or night these aholes are taking them. when I reported it to the city they said minimum 2 a day are reported.  Spoke to a buddy who used to live in San Diego and his was up to 6 a day.  I found some DIY rebar cage that I will install along with an actual alarm system just to deter these jerks.  They say the stock pipes can be cut in less then 60 seconds. so If they have to cut more chit off and an alarm goes off while its parked in front of the house they will be met with my shotgun.  Ahole will have a sawzaw so my life is in danger so I have to protect myself!
oklahoma city last week. My dad see's his neighbor across street start up his honda element, has an odd sound. goes over to talk to him about it and that guys next door neighbor comes out. She said i was getting the paper at 430am and I saw a guy running from your yard and knocked on your door but no answer. he said i heard the knock and was getting dressed and got to the door and noone was there so I went back to bed.

dad looks under the car they cut the front of the cat but missed the back and ran off. He told the neighbor you got lucky!

Guy goes back in house and at freaking noon, car pulls up, slices the back off and runs off with the cat lol. that guy was determined. 

I had an 03 that had 350k on I posted on craigslist, for 500.00. guy says if it has the factory cat I'll give you 500.00 right now.

he shows up, says the cat's worth 600.00 and he will scrap rest of car for scrap.

I have cut mine out and beat all the chit inside of it out ...flanged both ends reinstalled and it passes smog every time...truck runs better too...if they wanna steal it ..so be it ...they will get nothing but an empty piece of metal

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