Exhaust Mounting Tabs Breaking

Looks fantastic. Unfortunately for me, my exhaust runs outside my frame rails, not inward and down over the trans like yours was. My car is very compact so space is at a premium. My fuel tank sits above the trans. 

Yes, not a lot of room for sure. Maybe a support that goes across and up towards exhaust? But could look out of place. Then imo the longer it gets the more support that is lost.

Let it sit in a half-round saddle with a spring over the top to add restraint but still allow some movement.

Maybe not the most "high-tech" way but the setup works


I've found several configurations of clamp mounts online. I think I'll go that route. Just have to take a closer look and find something that works well and hopefully won't look terrible. 

Is there a slip joint or other sort of joint that allows movement? If not, with an exhaust that long, something has to break. 
