Ebike Laws/requirments

eBikes are awesome and fun. How could anyone here not like motorized fun that should otherwise be city limit street/trail friendly and LEGAL.

Another form of Public Land Access lost to us for recreational use IMHO.

Bummer more shitty laws are coming our way :thumbsdown:

This thread has tones of Sand Car vs SXS in it...LOL


Police departments have been ignoring this, but they are going to start getting grants from the State to enforce all the rules of the roads for Ebikes.  Just be prepared is my point.
they need grants to enforce safety laws? and here I thought that's what they were getting paid to do all this time :lol:  

I f*cking hate these things.  Living in a quasi retirement town, every f*cking blue hair has one and does not give a f*ck about anyone else when riding.

Don't get me started on the 3 wheel versions of these.  They take up a car lane and of course they have to ride side by side and go 10 mph down the f*cking road.
there's the MAc we all love and miss :lmao:  

Anybody remember in the 70s and early 80s when mopeds were the thing and laws were written just for them also.  

I had a PUCH with home made porting, mill cylinder and noisy ass pipe.  

Smoke like a stock 250 3 wheel on 20 to 1

In my mind they are exactly the same thing, why do electric motors get an unfair advantage to a gas motor?  They are both pedal assist,  Discrimination....................

Most rules are in place, but there is a huge surge of 8-14 years olds cruising at 25mph and don't know the rules, it is truly the Parents that suck for not teaching their kids.  I am glad my kids are older and I didn't have to deal with this.  Beach communities have their work cut out for them.

In my community Super 73's are the bike of choice, we see 10yr's cruising the streets at over 20mph not wearing helmets and don't know the rules of the road.  It will be sad when a real accident does happen.

What good is more laws and rules? When is the last time anyone has seen a bicycle stop at a stop sign?   Has anyone seen a traffic cop give a citation to a bicycle?  Hell no.
You've never been to Huntington Beach!

I'm still wondering why a D-bag (or 50) on a bicycle can weave back and forth at .5 miles an hour, blocking hazardous mountain roads but I can't cruise my 70 through town.
in az you could plate that 70 and drive around town trouble free.

The stupidity of the riders is what brings the attention of the popo.Do stupid stuff it will get noticed and laws will come to stop the fun but a good number of kids have no clue about safety and think they are free to do what they want on the roads blocking traffic for fun on some streets or just cutting in front of you like no big deal.

they are annoying but if it gets these kids outside doing something constructive i'm all for it. unfortunately sooner or later they will be regulated into extinction

The stupidity of the riders is what brings the attention of the popo.Do stupid stuff it will get noticed and laws will come to stop the fun but a good number of kids have no clue about safety and think they are free to do what they want on the roads blocking traffic for fun on some streets or just cutting in front of you like no big deal.
This! The kids in our neighborhood ride wheelies and chit all though the streets and don't give an eff where they are. They're been a couple times with when they ventured out in front of me on the main road and were almost wearing a 37" tire tread. 
