Duner of the month Nominations, Nov 23

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Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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GOOD morning folks.

Please submit your nominations for Duner of the month for this month.  Simply put the persons name in your reply, right here in this thread & why you think they should be the DOTM?  if you have a link to a thread where there is more detailed information that would be helpful. 

once I have the suggestions I will create another post for voting. 



PS: sorry I did not get this out sooner, I wanted to have it going before thanksgiving weekend. 

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Don’t be afraid to nominate someone else for Duner of the Month. 

If we're talking Effort just to be there?............................................. @ChEFF hands down! Peace
I would like to nominate ChEFF for loaning me his manual bicycle pump that barely works, It was the thought that counts.

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@Bobalos for reviving this topic from the dead and his offering of a great gift for the winner


I would like to nominate ChEFF for loaning me his manual bicycle pump that barely works, It was the though that counts.

Did you put it back in the trailer? Peace

Appreciate the nod and my volunteers killed it, no doubt - but I'll keep doing it each and every November and can't lock up the month each year for doing what I promised I'd do :cheers:  I'll continue passing along the praise to the crew and in the meantime let's get my name outta the hat :hethan:

Remember folks this is just nominations, Voting will begin in a few days! 

Any more nominations??


This goes to @Squatcher and @Mac

Both helped on my last day testing my car in the dunes (pre season) and had the idea that my shocks might not be charged.  Both had the Nitrogen kits and I ended up using Mac's as his trailer was closer :lol:

Without them I know my season starter would have been disappointing.

Grant George!

"Grant George from Funco. The George's have been building Funcos since 1968. They still love the dunes and still go duning all the time. The family takes a break every day for lunch where Grandma Gerry makes lunch. He is the college of sand car knowledge, always helping duners while also building top tier cars and supporting what we love. He and his fam and crew were instrumental in helping establish the ASA and counting the plants that lead to us getting a whole bunch of land back. Awesome people. I'm honored to call them friends."

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This goes to @Squatcher and @Mac

Both helped on my last day testing my car in the dunes (pre season) and had the idea that my shocks might not be charged.  Both had the Nitrogen kits and I ended up using Mac's as his trailer was closer :lol:

Without them I know my season starter would have been disappointing.
i will second that @Squatcher always helps people out!

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