Dune trip in May you don’t know what you’re missing

Reduced number of people and better sand ?. That's an understatement. 

But beware. You better have a reliable car and a few others with you this time of year !.
Not a problem for me, myself and I. 

Final report: I lost an alternator Thursday night but changed it out this am. My intake comes off in 10 min. Makes it easy to change alternator. A 500hp gen 3 snapped a stub axle on a little jump. Had a spare in the trailer. That little car is a Tom Pro car. He just bought the car ( first trip out) and he finally lost two cylinders ( no compression). Maybe a head gasket. Honestly we were hauling the mail.  Lots of vegetation from the rains so it helps with visibility. About 150 miles driven in two days for me.  All packed up ready to leave sat morning. Sitting by a fire writing this now. Canal was awesome both days  today with all our duning we finally saw three people at the flag pole and stopped and talked  for these 2 days we have been the only group on pad 4  unbelievable quietness  no moon, stars out perfect weather  for me it was the best trip of the year!  I forgot to say that at 3 am the Milky-way was going off  the moon was just a sliver coming up in the east  





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Thanks for sharing, John!

Looks like a great time. I can't believe I didn't get to Glamis this season!

Oh well...That's why I love these threads, living vicariously through you guys!

