Dumpster Fire of a Weekend


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Pretty much just had the worst weekend I’ve ever had in the dunes. Decided to squeeze in one last weekend for the season at Florence in Oregon. Weather showed sunny and mid-60’s for all weekend.

1. First ride wife hits a tree with whip and shears off the bolts on the bracket I just made and installed. OK, no biggie, easy fix, 10 mins back to camp to fix.
2. Second ride after fixing whip bracket and SxS throws a CEL light and goes into limp mode. Back to camp, can’t find anything obviously working. Can Am dealer an hour away says bring it in and we can at least read the code for you. Load it up, drive an hour , sorry you have a tuner, we can’t read the code. And we can’t find the plug even if we could read it. But, we start it up and seems to run fine with no CEL. They said it could have read a problem in the belt? Drove the hour back to camp, changed the belt and seemed fine after. OK, maybe got lucky and will run OK rest of weekend. 
3. Third ride after the SxS and I blow my 2D trans in my Revo. Luckily the SxS continued to run fine and towed me back to camp. 
4. Fog rolls in late on day one and stays for all of day two. 100% humidity so might as well have been raining. A short ride in the morning then we just hung out in camp. 
5. And by far the WORST part of the weekend was morning of day 3. We decide to take a short ride before we have to load up. On our way back to camp, my wife decides to get a little frisky on her Sportsman. She takes a left turn too fast and too sharp. She gets thrown off and the quad barrel rolls a full 360 roll right over her. Happened 50 yards right in front of me. Was horrible to watch. I jump out of the SxS and sprint to her. Didn’t know this old, fat guy could still run. At first she’s laying on her back barely moving. Then she manages to roll over and get on all fours and breath as she had the wind knocked out of her. I get there and her face is bloody and she has a big chunk hanging off the end of her nose. Her helmet face shield is broke off.  She isn’t sure what else is broken or wrong but maybe thinks nothing major. Load her into the SxS, back to camp and off to the hospital. Fortunately we are less than 10 mins to hospital. Full x-rays and scans. Nothing broken or serious - thank you lord!. Four stitches in her nose, four hours in the ER and back to camp. She has bruised ribs, right shin is bruised badly, lots of other scrapes and bruises and a nose that looks like she went 3 rounds with Mike Tyson. But we are thanking our lucky stars it wasn’t worse. 
6. Loaded up, drove 3.5 hours home and happy to put an end to one effed up weekend. I don’t know what we did to deserve this but I sure hope we have paid our omage and are done with it.

I hope none of you guys ever have to watch something like that happen to your wife, kids or friends. Or anyone for that matter. Running over to my wife I fully expected to find the worst situation. So thankful it wasn’t worse. Now the search begins for a plastic surgeon to fix her nose. 

Damn! Sorry to read. Yep, I've had the wife fly right past me as I stopped at the edge of a dune when I couldn't see the other side at night. It was brutal to watch. She was fine thank God! Best wishes on the recovery. 

It will soon turn into- “remember that one time….”

glad everyone’s ok!

I think that’s why they call it


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had a few rough weekends at the mx track this year. 1st time to a new track this season bad trip he broke his wrist. heals up 3 weeks later back to out local track a bunch of time but the last trip 6 weeks ago went off a jump that they just remodeled the lip and the jump just wasn't right. He nosed dived and wound up with 3 broken ribs, 2 fractured vertebrae , 1 vertebrae burst fracture and bleed on his spinal cord.  he is all good nothing permanent tough kid wont be back on a bike for a few more months. just hope he will be good by christmas time to goto glamis  

Speaking of watching a family member fall…. Last ride my youngest (6 year old daughter) was trying to catch up to big brother riding her KFX80…. Hit a bump too hard and took a hard right rolling the quad on to its side…. No big deal except all I can see is her helmet and the quad spinning on its side since the throttle got jammed when she rolled. I was 100yds out on foot and sprinted towards her, my 10 year old got her up and then went to the quad and flipped it back to the tires with the throttle still floored and it takes off riderless. Almost cut it off but missed it and it continued on for a while until it bounced and flipped again and flipped on its lid and stalled out. All in all very glad she was okay and that the runaway quad didn’t run into anything g important and didn’t start a grass fire when it flipped. She’s a tough girl and got back on and can’t wait to ride again. I used to fall all the time when o was a kid and it’s totally different when it’s your own family. Love to ride another day!!

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I think you left out the part about taking out the Nuns walking in the crosswalk on the way to the Dunes..... Damn...with luck like that.......glad it worked out for  you. 


Glad yore wife turned out to be ok, with only minor injuries. Sounds like an eventful weekend, but the $100 question is "Did it still beat being at home?"



Glad yore wife turned out to be ok, with only minor injuries. Sounds like an eventful weekend, but the $100 question is "Did it still beat being at home?"

I have no issue with the stuff that broke and will just cost money to fix. However, I would gladly have given up the weekend and stayed home if it meant not having my wife crash. She’s hurting, will likely need plastic surgery on her nose and I’m having a hard time getting the visual of her crash from replaying over and over in my mind. I’m grateful she wasn’t hurt worse and it will all pass in time. Just really sucks right now. The good thing is that she is already talking about the next dunes trip and how she will learn from it and wants to keep riding. 

Damn Dockmaster 

You didn’t tell me the rest of the story I am sorry we weren’t able to make last weekend sounds like you could have used our help. Glad your wife is going to be okay hopefully she recovers quickly. 
Sounds like a good weekend to have behind you sorry it didn’t work out like it should have.

If I can do anything to help you out let me know I will give you a call in a couple of days and see how things are going 

Damn Dockmaster 

You didn’t tell me the rest of the story I am sorry we weren’t able to make last weekend sounds like you could have used our help. Glad your wife is going to be okay hopefully she recovers quickly. 
Sounds like a good weekend to have behind you sorry it didn’t work out like it should have.

If I can do anything to help you out let me know I will give you a call in a couple of days and see how things are going 
Thanks man! I think when we talked about my trans was on Saturday. She crashed Sunday morning. She’s going to be OK with time. Talk to you soon. 

Glad all is getting better.  we were at pad 4 a few years back with brand new sand, not one track anywhere.  we went across  the road to go to the canal.  my wife was also on a quad, i went off a 6' lip, but slowly  if she was paying attention she would have seen my tracks, well she didnt--flew off at like 5 mph and endoed as i had stop to make sure she would make it.  bike knocked her out cold.  she woke up a few moments later and was not feeling very good.  like you my heart sunk.  i mean this was like a kiddie run but it was full white out in the sand. her neck was sore for weeks,  could have been ugly

Total bummer dude, sorry to hear that. Not a fun weekend at all, and quite a few of us have had those, we are right here with you, know how you feel.  It’s a scary thing to see your wife crash, my wife broke her collarbone out there, and it wasn’t cool to see her lying on the ground.  Scary.  I still haven’t seen any humor in it.

Hate reading these type of stories. They are heart wrenching. Hope she starts feeling better. Peace

I lost track of all the mini fires.. n dumbster fires… all I know is so long as it’s just money and general breakage .. . its just part of the sport.

Seen enough death to know all else is just a bad trip Yo.

Glad to hear you’re all OK.



PS. You can NEVER have enough backup plans, tools, medical, recovery, etc.

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This is definitely a fear of mine.  My wife has only been riding about 4 years (43yo).  She rides a Honda 400EX with long travel, TCS suspension, etc to make it as stable and comfortable as possible.  She usually rides at the back of the pack with me and at the moment, the only injury is putting her foot down and riding over her ankle (just a bruise).

Good luck and hope she has a speedy recovery.

This is definitely a fear of mine.  My wife has only been riding about 4 years (43yo).  She rides a Honda 400EX with long travel, TCS suspension, etc to make it as stable and comfortable as possible.  She usually rides at the back of the pack with me and at the moment, the only injury is putting her foot down and riding over her ankle (just a bruise).

Good luck and hope she has a speedy recovery.

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