Dry Sump - Inside look

According to ARE Hi and low is very random,  they say on some cars only go to 1/2 may go 2/3 - they said over fill is only when the tank is puking out the breather, to low depends on the tank - if the tank has More Baffle then you can run less oil, 

Talking to ARE, Daileys, and Aviaid, the oil level is not as important as a wet sump,   My setup can be as low as 4 quarts and up to 6 quarts in the tank,   

Bid focus is the oil line from the tank to the pump,  was told 12-an is standard for under 3 foot of hose,  anything over is 16an 

Now for me being a sand car,  I am not as concerned on level just because i change it every trip,  and if i have a big leak i am parking the car,   

But other cars and owners might do this completely different,  just sharing my experience on how i do my setup,  
