Driving tips- ls1/s4

Thank you everybody , I'm excited to try cresting the top with less angle and more speed. I really appreciate the advice, your advice is actually the same as I've been riding a motorcycle all these years but I assumed that a big rail would need to be ridden differently. Also- It seems like running at 4,000 RPM would be wearing that motor out needlessly, but for how many hours you actually put on a sand car in a lifetime it probably just doesn't matter?
For most of these motors, 4k rpm is where its making good power. 3k-5k is where the power is made on most V8s, kind of like a power band on a 2-stroke. you want to stay in the powerband, for multiple reasons. the biggest is you need the power to be there when you need it most. As my Dad taught me -"Power gets you out of trouble more then it gets you into trouble, that is as long as your not being an idiot".
I am going to try to come out presidents today and I would absolutely love a half hour of pointers. When it gets closer I'll reach out to you and thank you very much
Sounds good!
either DM me on Instagram if your on there https://www.instagram.com/hp.habits/
Or text me 385-250-8486
Same goes for anyone else on here.
Thank you everybody , I'm excited to try cresting the top with less angle and more speed. I really appreciate the advice, your advice is actually the same as I've been riding a motorcycle all these years but I assumed that a big rail would need to be ridden differently. Also- It seems like running at 4,000 RPM would be wearing that motor out needlessly, but for how many hours you actually put on a sand car in a lifetime it probably just doesn't matter?
Lugging these motors are not good for it with a SC, it will twist the crank, try to keep it above the 2800 rpm and 2800-4500 is good, running it up to 5500 is normal, after 6500 the oil pump starts to cavitate,
But i would think any spring package can take up to 5200 no issues,
Thank you for the RPM guidelines everybody, I I should have reached out to you guys sooner but going forward I think these tips will help me a lot
I have a Subaru. But like m/c road racing I’ll “back it in” to the turn and transition that way your sliding and can ease over the transition while still being ready to power down.
I went to Glamis for a few days, and transitioning across the edge of a dune running very parallel at the top and at speed, works really really well. I was going over at not enough angle because my experience with a side-by-side was kind of Tippy trying to go over the edge parallel to the top, anyway thanks again everybody for the input