Driving gloves?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2024
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My hands are getting so damn dried out and nasty while driving the SXS. I'd like to find a really thin glove to wear for some protection; I rode with a pair of mechanics gloves today and hated them because there is no feel and they were bulky. Putting lotion on 15 times a day trying to keep up with the dry air this time of year just doesn't work (and I wash my hands about 80 times a day which doesn't help).
I use these, but only get one season out of them before they get worn through at the palm.

The Mechanics gloves are what I use. But that information doesn’t help. You could go to a welding store and pick up a set of Tillman driving gloves or a set of Tig welding gloves.
The Mechanics gloves are what I use. But that information doesn’t help. You could go to a welding store and pick up a set of Tillman driving gloves or a set of Tig welding gloves.
Nice thing is if you have to work on something hot, you’re ready for it
I use sometimes an old pair of riding gloves. Pretty thin and comfy
Flight gloves. Nothing better

I flew thousands of hours with them and use these in Glamis.

They're light but they breathe and are warm. They're thin and you maintain a lot of dexterity.
I've used these Mechanix 0.5 for shooting and riding. Super thin.
Also, driving with gloves at work, you want the velcro on top of your wrist. Steering wheel will rub the connection if under your wrist.
I just use the Simpson regular driving gloves.
Can't stand driving in leather gloves with the plastic RZR steering wheel, too slippery & no feel.
Only thing that worked for me were those nitrile dipped gloves like GorillaGrip or MaxiFlex but still prefer going without. In a pinch, you could try disposable latex gloves
All kinds of choices! But I like the MSR adv could weather because sand doesn’t get in them.

I have searched around and have yet to find a pair I like.
Mechanix ones were too thick
Girl got me a pair of "Tactical" ones for my birthday, and they just sucked, I am sure they will be fine for shooting or working on stuff but just too much "work" for driving.
My B-I-L gave me a few pair of the work gloves his company used, well they lasted one weekend

Next up are the ones my guys wear at work, I wear them while working too and I like them, I just don't know if they will keep my hands from getting dried out and cracked. They are thin tight fitting almost like a spandex, are made so you can use a touch screen and have no Velcro cuff. You can get them at Home Depot in the work glove isle for about $8/ pair. They last my guys 3-4 weeks working in the field.
I have been using these gloves. Thin, grippy, cheap. I feel like they keep my hands from drying out as much and ward off the wind chapped.
I originally got them for the extra grip on my steering wheel, but even after changing out to a better steering wheel, I'm still using them.
Keeps the chill off in the morning and night runs.

I was gonna make fun of you, about the hand washing thing, but all the cans in My pantry ARE lined up the same way! 🤣

Then I'll Jack with him. 80 times a day with lotion? See "Jack Me Off" Where are we camping this New Years @madweazel ? Peace