Did I just watch that right?

More like a open hand bitch slap. Probably all fake! 

Its been said ratings are in the tank and the Oscars and other award shows are on life support. 

Less then 20 years ago they said the Oscars would net 56 million viewers, only a few years ago they were able to get 26 million. Last year they barely had 9 million viewers. 

It would not surprise me one bit if this was set up to build ratings and bring all of tomorrows talk be about the Oscars. 

Remember these are actors, acting. These award shows are away they can award each other for making millions of dollars. It’s all about their own egos and to spout their own agendas. 

Until proven real, I’m going to call it FAKE, BS and set up for ratings. 

My vote goes for not fake... no way Mr. proud Chris Rock would be cool with taking a hit and keeping the rep while keeping the secrete if its fake.

That being said -Will could have LAID HIM OUT if he wanted . All of his ALI training dude knows how to throw a punch.

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It’s embarrassing as an American. The guy who they idolize the most (by giving him a best actor Oscar) can’t take a joke and bitch slaps (an assault) the host of the program. Where are the days of class and elegance? What a joke. I used to be a fan of Will Smith. But now I hope he catches a charge for his little stunt. 

Oh yeah, I’m in the not fake camp. Will doesn’t like to cuss. And he let loose on a couple of F-bombs. I’m thinking that was a real anger. 

It’s embarrassing as an American.  
Not really, after the bullshit they've been pulling the last 2 years this doesn't even matter. Just more antics from the Chinese owned corporation... Many didn't even see it till it was posted on social media because we have stopped watching regular TV

You guys are all up in arms about this. Whoooo cares???? I think it’s funny. Too bad Chris Rock didn’t say something funny about his wife after Will walked away. That would have been hilarious. 

It’s embarrassing as an American. The guy who they idolize the most (by giving him a best actor Oscar) can’t take a joke and bitch slaps (an assault) the host of the program. Where are the days of class and elegance? What a joke. I used to be a fan of Will Smith. But now I hope he catches a charge for his little stunt. 
What’s so embarrassing? When I look around, that’s the least embarrassing thing I see.  People leaving their trash and Rzr belts all over the dunes is embarrassing. 
I do appreciate the video being posted, I probably wouldn’t have seen it otherwise. 

No way in hell that was fake. Chris was shook after he yelled at him back at his seat. Effin awesome.

This plays to the super elite think they can do whatever they want and get away with it 

Well if not fake then I would expect the Oscars to ban Will Smith and make him take Anger Management in order to get reinstated. SAG should freeze his membership for assaulting another Black actor.

Can  you imagine the race card being played and the uproar if it was a white actor that slapped a black man! Especially for saying a joke. 

If you rewatch you see Will laugh as Chris makes the joke. Maybe it was Jada that told Will you go up there! I still think there was some theater in there. I would have thought Chris’s first reaction would be WTF man! Someone does that to me, my first reaction would be to swing back. 

It’s embarrassing as an American. The guy who they idolize the most (by giving him a best actor Oscar) can’t take a joke and bitch slaps (an assault) the host of the program. Where are the days of class and elegance? What a joke. I used to be a fan of Will Smith. But now I hope he catches a charge for his little stunt. 

Oh yeah, I’m in the not fake camp. Will doesn’t like to cuss. And he let loose on a couple of F-bombs. I’m thinking that was a real anger. 
Perhaps you haven't seen Bad Boys I or II? :biggrin:

Much better and amusing analysis here:

Last time I saw Jada was at Ozzfest a few years back and she had plenty of hairs. 

More like a open hand bitch slap. Probably all fake! 

Its been said ratings are in the tank and the Oscars and other award shows are on life support. 

Less then 20 years ago they said the Oscars would net 56 million viewers, only a few years ago they were able to get 26 million. Last year they barely had 9 million viewers. 

It would not surprise me one bit if this was set up to build ratings and bring all of tomorrows talk be about the Oscars. 

Remember these are actors, acting. These award shows are away they can award each other for making millions of dollars. It’s all about their own egos and to spout their own agendas. 

Until proven real, I’m going to call it FAKE, BS and set up for ratings. 
How does this build ratings for a show? By the time it hit twitter and people tuned in there was how many minutes left?  To build up there careers? Will Smith has no problem selling seats to the movies and Chris Rock sells out his comedy shows so there is no gain for either one of them to be involved with a BS stunt like that especially if it turns out to be a stunt. Smolet and his antics will prevent any chicken little stunts from happening for a while I would think. 

Only plus side is that people are talking about it the next day, but nobody gains from that except the places that are getting the hits. They are not giving anything to Will or Chris. By the next Oscars roll around people will have forgotten about this as well.  

We are getting so conditioned that everything is fake and bull chit that we immediately think everything is.   

