Did I just get screwed by Pay pal?

Pay Pal is the worst. Very difficult to dispute or even get a hold of anyone. I would avoid. 

liberal company, liberal policies with other peoples money... I got hosed by them once. Now it's all FF or there's no transactions

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Yeah you are right, we are to small to lose this money but also to small to be on the phone with paypal for 2 hours like I just was to file a appeal. Every minute I spend trying to get back my parts or money is a minute I am not on the shop floor making money 
The complaint departments are open when you're likely not "at" work too.

I have dealing with Paypal for over 15years now, 

I dont think they refunded the money, the fastest case from paypal i have seen is 40 days, and have cased prolong for 60 day, 

First thing they do is hold funds till the case is resolved, 

First thing is respond to a email with coping the email to paypal you should a call shipping tag, to the owner, so it shows you are trying to get the parts back, and if does not ship them, you can show no tracking history, 

And stated above, CALL them, I have never lost a case with PayPal,   Now if they paid with CC and you are using PayPal as your CC company, then if PayPal does not get paid you can loose the money.  

And last it is a part of Buisness, it just sucks but will have to just put it on  your P&L statement 

Is your PayPal Personal or Business, 

If it is a Business account, it is handled a little different, you get preference over a personal account, like stated above call them Right Away, and call them every week, More Data the better, show Emails, Show Tracking show sales order with a screen shot, 

When you call PayPal, ask them what the best way to handle this and get it done asap,  If you do not like what the PayPal person is telling you, ask for a Manager, this will help.  
