Devin Adkins Memorial at the swing set. Saturday December 18 2021 Come one come all.


May 5, 2021
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The date has been set for Devin's memorial. We have had a nice plaque made that we will put up on the swing set. Saturday December 18 2021. Some of us will leave from the end of Geko at roadrunner at 12:30 pm. Get to swing set about 1:00pm. We start the ceremony about 1:30pm. If its easier you can just meet us at swing set depending on where you camp.

A lot of you new Devin for those that did not he was one of the nicest people you could know and he would help any one, and he LOVED Glamis. We all hope to see a big turn out. Tell others that may not see this.

Maybe a bunch of us will do a memorial ride after, Devin would like that and we can have some fun. 

Thank you for all the well wishes and shared memories on prior post about Devin"s passing.  

Awesome!!!!  Miss that croc wearing Glamis MoooSheen!!!!!

i took these last time we were at swingset together on a ride.  He took off his crocks and I moved them on him so he couldn’t find them! :lol:

the Ride on the 18th will be a cool thing to do!!!!!

RIP Dev!!!!




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I will try and make it to RR and follow out as swing set is not on my screen.

Happy Birthday Dev, Miss you man ! Toooo the Hill   Looking forward to the ride and the gathering 

RIP wish I could make it.  He was definitely one of the nicest!!

Planning to make the ride and ceremony tomorrow. 
Always enjoyed talking with Devin. 

Hope y'all represent well! Enjoy the memorial. Send pics. Peace

Anyone have pictures of Devin’s ceremony yesterday?
I was there and thought it was a fitting tribute to a great guy and fellow duner but didn’t take any pictures. 

Had the pleasure of meeting him a few times in Glamis and just not to long ago in OW too.  What a guy.  Dam… just dam!

Devin… MISS YOU!! It’s been 1 full year ago. I miss our friendship, miss your positive level headed ideas, miss floating in the canal with you and our 10 years of summer rides and antics. Cherishing those memories. Pin it in your honor whenever I’m by gecko

:wub: :wub: :wub:
