CV prep questions

Its already happened,  a few guys were running them without incident, while everyone else had major issues. The problem was with the plunging axle, they bind up and destroyed transmissions and hubs....
Thats impossible

I might be missing the jokes, but here's my steps for CV's.

Someone with more knowledge than me - suggested mixing the below 2 greases - more or less to save $ as Bel Ray is expensive...also note these both come in caulking tubes, which is way easier than a stupid grease gun (i hate them).

The same person also informed me of the below in regard to clocking and how to properly assemble a CV - this info is of course on the net, but might as well put it on this thread too.

Note there's two distinct patterns on CV's outer cages, marked in red and blue - a point and a more flat area near the bolt holes- make sure you're not matching patterns from one CV to the other - in other words, a red section on one side should line up to a blue section on the other...offset by one bolt hole essentially.


Properly assembled CV - note the line that goes around the outer cage should be facing out (towards the tranny and on the other side of the axle, towards the wheel.  Note the inner star is flat on this side as well.


Note in this photo, the inner cage (marked in orange) that has the wider opening facing in - which make sense as it gives the axle more room to play.


Greases to mix 50/50,




I remember the assy sequence by "Small, smoothed and grooved".  (cage, star, outer housing)

I cut my shock shims from old soup can tops, the bottoms are usually too thick.....

Campbell's cans, from the 1937 to 1952 era seem to be the best...

Stick with me for more tips and tricks.......
Any advice on beer can shims and thickness? Are ipas heavier and lights light?🤔

I’ve found The Gadget Groove TM. has increased the time between scheduled CV maintenance and significantly decreased clicking noise in tight turns.

Any advice on beer can shims and thickness? Are ipas heavier and lights light?🤔
Oddly, it’s the opposite. Some sort of beverage industry regulation requiring all filled beer cans to weigh the same by volume. 
