Cutting season short cause of gas prices?

Dune Nasty

New member
May 7, 2021
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Curious if anyone is cutting their season short or not making road trips because of current gas prices?

For most the dune season ends around President's weekend.  The diehards were out last weekend in Glamis and I suspect the numbers will twindle as the temps start to climb.     I am guessing Havasu may not be as busy this season if gas prices continue to climb.

We only had some local camping trips planned this summer so nothing is changing for us.  Normally we do a week at Pirate's Cove, but there stupid reservation system jacked our group and we could not get anything booked last summer for this upcoming summer. 

For most the dune season ends around President's weekend.  The diehards were out last weekend in Glamis and I suspect the numbers will twindle as the temps start to climb.     I am guessing Havasu may not be as busy this season if gas prices continue to climb.

We only had some local camping trips planned this summer so nothing is changing for us.  Normally we do a week at Pirate's Cove, but there stupid reservation system jacked our group and we could not get anything booked last summer for this upcoming summer. 
Selfishly...I hope a lot of people stay away from Havasu this summer.  The higher prices will most likely affect the non-desirables and riff-raff, so...that's a good thing.

Selfishly...I hope a lot of people stay away from Havasu this summer.  The higher prices will most likely affect the non-desirables and riff-raff, so...that's a good thing.
My prediction is off-weekends will be back in Havasu.  People will make the holiday weekends happen.  

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Went this weekend and was only about a $50 dollar difference for me in gas for both the truck and the Can Am for the entire weekend.  If $50 is going to make or break a trip for me I am using way to much money on fun.  Now I am lucky and I store my stuff at GDS so a big portion of price per trip was locked in back in October. In two weeks when I tow home that is going to sting a little bit, but still the extra $2.00/ gallon isn't the reason the season is done.   As far as trips up North or West well we shall see how much free time I will have.  I can tell you this though if anybody said hey lets go to St. Anthony this summer I would say no thanks because of the price of gas.

I hope so.

I live well within my means.  Back in '08 when things hit, I was still going to Glamis every weekend and it was nice to have thinned the herd.  

While I don't like seeing people "suffer", these events do thin things out for those of us that have done this a while or budget around to make this happen for us.

Nope, not here... hoping for at least 2-3 more trips and at least one long one this season. Got a week long Duck Creek UT trip planned this summer and hoping to do another long trip as well. I'm not happy with the fuel prices but it's not going to keep me at home complaining about it  :dunno:

I am done for the season, when it heats up I stay home.  This upcoming weekend looks like it will be mid 80's on Saturday, too hot in the dunes for me.

This trip cost me about $200 more in fuel than Presidents day (a month ago).

I did not cut the season short due to gas prices (I did for other reasons), but Im certainly paying more attn to how Im doing things.  I was going to run to the parts store on Sunday, and figured it could wait until Monday when I could stop by on the way home (Its on the way).  stuff like that. 

Went this weekend and was only about a $50 dollar difference for me in gas for both the truck and the Can Am for the entire weekend.  If $50 is going to make or break a trip for me I am using way to much money on fun.  Now I am lucky and I store my stuff at GDS so a big portion of price per trip was locked in back in October. In two weeks when I tow home that is going to sting a little bit, but still the extra $2.00/ gallon isn't the reason the season is done.   As far as trips up North or West well we shall see how much free time I will have.  I can tell you this though if anybody said hey lets go to St. Anthony this summer I would say no thanks because of the price of gas.
I know some look at it that way but do that 2-3 times in past year its now 100-150 bucks more vs what trip cost begining of season,Slow increment rises in taxes or cost most think well its only x amount of dollars but over time you realize its no longer smaller amount.

We are on a spring break road trip right now. Denver to Glamis with some stops on the way. 

Holy Crap... my old 7.3 gets about 5 miles per gallon towing... 

I'll be staying localish this summer.

Nope. Our season ended presidents day. On to mexico season now and baja trips. Heading down for ten days here this week. From mexico, we'll roll right into lake season. Work hard, play harder!

Maybe the environment will have a chance to survive if we can get the fuel prices up high enough. It's time people feel the pain for the damage they inflict....

Seriously this is the crap those people think and believe.... THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE RIGHT NOW... ELECTION HAVE CONSEQUENCES.......WE ARE LIVING THEM.

Like others, I look at the incremental numbers. Pretty hard to stop doing something you love for a little bit more money. 
Besides I got a nice monthly Social Security raise this year. Might as well spend it on fuel to have fun. 
However, if things get real bad, I may have to cut back on beer. 

was at Glamis this passed weekend... and gecko rd was packed.  did not look like an "off" weekend.

Fuel prices definitely sting when getting 6 mpg average in the moho... but won't cut my season short.  Hoping to get in one final trip in April if the weather dips. 

Like others, I look at the incremental numbers. Pretty hard to stop doing something you love for a little bit more money. 
Besides I got a nice monthly Social Security raise this year. Might as well spend it on fuel to have fun. 
However, if things get real bad, I may have to cut back on beer. 
Easy there on the cut back on beer comments. Let's not panic...


Hello AAA?

I need a tow for my Motorhome to my mechanic...

What is the address?  4500 Gecko Rd, Brawley, CA 92227

....why yes it is great that I recently upgraded to your Gold Plus Membership with RV coverage....


I was there this weekend, and I gotta say the weather was SUPURB and it was off weekend old school empty place!!  Even parked at Vendor Flats!! Neighbors not 10ft away!! It was pure heaven... if gas prices caused it... I'm not mad!!   :headbang:

This was Olds at about 2pm on Saturday coming back from the swing set.  



Here is us at the swing set... no where near as packed as it has been all season!  Oh and FYI, this was my friends son driving... he's 16, and its literally a brand new RZR!!  No fear!  But the kid is also a racer, so they trust him. 




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