Cuomo is in hot water!

Here is what will happen next.

There will be another batch of allegations.  There will be another 10 or 20 staffers or other volunteers who suddenly will have similar stories. Then those 20 will be vetted, It will be found that he wasn't at the event they said it happened, they were not at said event. They will discredit all of them. Making the prospective look like, Well he had 30 accusers, but we have disproved over half, how can the few that are left be believed. 

The one thing you won't see and the one thing you never hear about.... Why doesn't the accused ever go after the people who falsely accuse them?  Well that would be because the accused paid them to make the allegations. 

This is just another "shiny object" maneuver by the Democratic Party! 

While how he acted towards these women is wrong and he should be held accountable like anyone else would be, the fact that he gave orders during the height of the pandemic that needlessly killed thousands of seniors is being ignored, or swept under the rug with the Biden DOJ support.

Why, you might ask. Does it matter since at least he is being forced out one way or another? YES it does. He is not the only Governor to use the same policies that killed thousands of seniors. Michigan (Whitmer), NJ (Murphy), and Pennsylvania (Wolf) all sent infected seniors back into nursing homes to spread the virus and die. Cuomo and Whitmer have been exposed for manipulating the statistics concerning nursing home infections and deaths to cover up their massive mistakes. And they blamed the CDC for supposedly giving the guidance that lead to their disastrous policies. But, if that was the case, why didn't the other 46 states give the same orders to send infected seniors back to the nursing homes?

Bottom line is that Cuomo is their sacrificial lamb to direct attention away from more serious issues (killing thousands) that could take down at least 4 of the top Democrats in the nation causing considerable damage to the Democrat party.

Well yesterday his top aid quit and today he just got the Ronan Farrow treatment in the New Yorker, which means, like Me Too, Woody Allen, Weinstein et al that it's only a matter of time. 

HE IS OUT!!!!!!!! his speech sounded more like a victory lap / What a JERK!!!!


That was quick.  Resigned . . .

I think he'll be forced to resign.  He'll fight, it because ego, but he's toast. Especially when charges are filed.  Where it will be interesting to watch is the people who want a CNN pundit gig and how they dance around the conduct of his brother at the network . . .

And in less than a week, he's out . . .

You know it is bad when a Democrat is forced to resign.  Any Republican would have been burned on a cross by now.  
