Cuomo is in hot water!

And yet nothing about moving COVID+ elderly around state retirement facilities and then covering up to keep a book deal alive...

His tweets about the Kavanaugh and Trump allegations are gonna bite him the in a$$.  I knew this was gonna happen when CNN distanced themselves.  The NY AG is a "woman of color" so can't try to disgrace her.  Once his falls out of favor with the Dems, I hope they finally go after him killing all those elderly people. 

Demon-crats won't allow eating of their own.  They'll protect and/or defend him.

The guys is a tool, he needs his arse kicked

  Once his falls out of favor with the Dems, I hope they finally go after him killing all those elderly people. 
The Dems will call for his resignation over the sexual harassment to avoid the nursing home scandal because there are other Dem Governors at risk if they go after Cuomo on the nursing home killings. Michigan, New Jersey, and another I can't remember.

Just one more nail in the coffin for democrats ,and the left agendas . More and more they get away with Crap like this the more I think their own people see them for the pure evil they are . How bout some democrat approved socially acceptable  riots and looting for the justice these women deserve . 🤷‍♂️

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I think he'll be forced to resign.  He'll fight, it because ego, but he's toast. Especially when charges are filed.  Where it will be interesting to watch is the people who want a CNN pundit gig and how they dance around the conduct of his brother at the network . . .

Cuomo said: 
